Early diagnosis is the main ally of the patient

by time news

March, women’s month, is also marked by an awareness campaign for women’s health, the Yellow March. The date seeks to alert the population to the symptoms and care for endometriosis, a disorder that, according to the National Health Survey of the IBGE, affects more than eight million women in Brazil.

Common among women in the fertile period, endometriosis is a modification in the functioning of the body caused by endometrial cells (tissue that lines the uterus), which, instead of being expelled during menstruation, follow the opposite direction and remain in the ovaries or in the cavity. abdomen, where they multiply and bleed again.

“Symptoms of the disorder include crampy pain, pain during intercourse, pain and bleeding when urinating, fatigue, diarrhea, difficulty getting pregnant, and even infertility. In addition, endometriosis can cause the appearance of a cyst in the ovary (endometrioma) and cause complications in organs in the abdominal cavity, in the pelvis, in part of the large intestine, in the bladder, in the appendix and in the vagina”, warns the gynecologist and coordinator doctor of the Sabin Group in São Caetano do Sul, Luciana de Paiva Nery Soares.

Genetic, immunological and hormonal factors may be involved in the development of the disease, which negatively affects a person’s quality of life .

“It is very important to be aware of the signs that may indicate endometriosis. As the disease is difficult to diagnose and has no cure, care is needed so that the patient does not suffer so much from the consequences that may even compromise her fertility. Periodic follow-up with routine exams is essential, so that any alteration can be quickly observed and an early diagnosis is made, favoring adequate treatment and minimizing the impact of the disease on the body”, explains Luciana.

Clinical examination is the first step towards diagnosis, which must be followed by ultrasound, blood and magnetic resonance examinations, and in some cases, it can even be confirmed with videolaparoscopy.

“MRI is a non-invasive method with high accuracy for diagnosing and characterizing endometriosis in the various pelvic compartments and in other extra-pelvic locations, helping in the appropriate clinical or surgical treatment”, adds the doctor.

Treatment for the disease includes medications to ease pain and inflammation, hormone therapies and, in severe cases, surgery.

“It is fundamental that the woman with endometriosis be followed up and treated until the climacteric, when the situation tends to attenuate. Multidisciplinary follow-up with a doctor, psychologist, physical educator and nutritionist can offer a significant improvement in the quality of life of these women”, explains the doctor.

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