Early outpatient treatment of Covid-19: Emmanuel Macron “conspiratorial”?

by time news

TRIBUNE — Since March 2020, many doctors and scientists have been warning about early outpatient treatments for Covid-19 [1] [2] [3] [4].

Le January 9, 2021during the press conference for the launch of the Free Health Coordination, broadcast by Nexus magazine [5]Claude Escarguel representing the “Azithro d’hospitalisations” collective declared (1h 23min 52s):

“We received three phone calls from the first lady of France, who took an interest in one of our members for [connaître] the treatment… “

Le 20 avril 2021on the website of the UPGCS (Union for the Prevention and Management of Health Crises), one could read [2] [6]:

“We have evidence from phone records and text messages showing that the latter [le président Macron] as well as Mrs. Brigitte Macron tried to get things moving but they came up against the medical “system” and its potential “grip” on a lost population but also on city doctors paralyzed by the threats hovering in case of “treatment” other than Doliprane. What can a politician do, one year before the presidential elections, in the face of such powerful medical power if not deal with it!! »

Le January 26, 2022on the site “the word given”, Claude Escarguel indicated (40min 48s) [7] :

“We have text messages from Macron. Doctors in our group have contacted Macron ministers. Doctors in our group have contacted Madame Macron and have been in direct and permanent contact with [elle]. And Macron at some point texted us, [via] a former minister who rebalanced it with us, so we have this SMS: “Yes, I completely agree. I think that the track of early outpatient treatment is a good track. But the system is opposed. I am that from close.””

Le 23 avril 2022during the “Festival of the Invizibles” [8]he specifies that it is a minister (50min 50s):

« [Macron] replied to his minister. [Dans] an SMS we have to [votre] disposition: “Yes I agree with this way of seeing. Unfortunately the system is against it. (The “system”, that’s what’s interesting.). If one day we officially reveal that we have a conspirator among us, who on top of that believed in it, but that the “system”… what is the “system”? Is it MacKinsey? The big labs he had worked with? We must not forget that Macron made his fortune in three months, [en gagnant] three million euros…he was very close to Pfizer…The day we drop the ball, like we have a plotter among us, maybe that will change things. »

Le May 5, 2022during the Independent Scientific Council n°53 [9]Claude Escarguel declared (1h 01min 57s):

“Doctor Alain Branchereau…said to the President of the Republic: “I treated [avec] azithromycin/zinc, and I had no deaths” At that time, we had sent through a doctor, who was treating one of his ministers, all our work to Mr. Macron… We know that we could count in February 2021, among the conspirators, a famous person who was the President of the Republic! I will read you the answer, email from the President of the Republic to his minister. It is an email which is in our hand, we reserve it in case France Inter has fun saying that it is [une] fake news : “Great. I really believe in this for a long time. But the “system” believes in it too little, it’s crazy. I get it. Thank you. [Parallèlement] one of our doctors who was in direct contact with Mrs. Brigitte Macron, testified that she too had many people around her who were treated by early outpatient treatment and who had been satisfied with the results. »

So, France Inter, towards a third round debate between the conspirator Claude Escarguel and the conspirator Emmanuel Macron?

References :

[1] https://www.francesoir.fr/opinions-tribunes/therapies-vaccin
[2] https://www.francesoir.fr/opinions-tribunes/libre-et-eclaire-benefice-ri…
[3] https://www.francesoir.fr/opinions-tribunes/prophylaxie-du-covid-19-vita…
[4] https://www.francesoir.fr/opinions-tribunes/covid-19-les-francais-savent…
[5] https://www.facebook.com/magazine.nexus/videos/392633605133585
[6] https://www.upgcs.org/2021/04/20/covid-19-l-analyse-de-la-crise-par-un-m…
[7] https://laparoledonnee.fr/2022/01/26/claude-escarguel-ses-prescriptions-…
[8] https://www.nexus.fr/actualite/sante/dr-escarguel-covid-long/
[9] https://crowdbunker.com/v/veS3sQXS

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