Early Retirement | The changes that will come in 2024

by time news

The penalty coefficients for early retirement will not yet be applicable next year for the highest incomes

One of the main novelties that the year about to end brought to pensions is the application of the new penalty coefficients for those who want to advance their retirement. In the event that this advance is made voluntarily, the new model establishes a reduction of between 2.81% for those with 44 and a half years of contributions who advance their retirement by one month and 21% for those who retire 24 months earlier. of ordinary age with 38 and a half years of contribution or less.

However, these coefficients (and their application to the amount of the pension and not to the regulatory base) do not affect all workers; those who are entitled to receive the maximum pension still benefit from the old system. It will not be until January 1, 2024 when they will have to calculate their pension with the new one, which will also be applied progressively for ten years.

Thus, for example, those with 38 and a half years of contributions or less who retire in 2024 two years in advance will have to deduct 5.7%, a percentage that will harden year after year until reaching 21% in 2033 Those who, with the same contribution, only want to advance their retirement by one month will apply 0.78% in 2024 and 3.36% ten years later.

Until then, the above penalties remain in effect:

– 2% per quarter when a contribution period of less than 38 years and 6 months is proven.

– 1.875% per quarter when a contribution period equal to or greater than 38 years and 6 months and less than 41 years and 6 months is accredited.

– 1.75% per quarter when a contribution period equal to or greater than 41 years and 6 months and less than 44 years and 6 months is accredited.

– 1.625% per quarter when a contribution period equal to or greater than 44 years and 6 months is accredited.

If, once these coefficients have been applied on the regulatory basis, our pension was still above 2,819.18 euros per month, which is currently the highest amount in the system, a penalty of 0.5% would have to be applied for each quarter or fraction of quarter in which retirement is advanced. This means that if we retire with the maximum pension between one and three months before what we should have, we will have to subtract 14.09 euros from our monthly payment (0.5% of 2,819.18). If it is between three and six months, we will subtract 28.195%, the equivalent of 1%. In other words, if retirement is brought forward just two years, that cut would be 4%, which is equivalent to 112.76 euros, which would leave the pension at 2,706.41.

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