Earth-like planets | Gulf newspaper

by time news

Mr. Dr. Hamid Majoul Al Nuaimi *
Are we alone in this vast universe? Is it alive elsewhere? If there are survivors, then why didn’t contacts occur between us and them?

The answer requires a comprehensive search for intelligent beings in our galaxy first and then throughout the universe, meaning that it is not limited to the search for life in the planets of the solar system only. We mean by life here the comprehensive meaning of living existence in the universe, whether plant, animal or human life. “And you have been given nothing but a little knowledge.”

Among the many and ongoing astronomical and space studies that have been conducted are:

1. Radio studies, which are the cornerstone of astrophysics in the quest to find living organisms in the solar system and in the universe.

2. Studying the components and parts of comets when they pass close to the sun and travel.

3. Studying the components of meteorites that fell on Earth and the lunar and Martian samples, in order to search for the presence of familiar elements on Earth.

4. The landing of space probes on the surface of some planets that transmitted many images in addition to analyzing some of their rocks to study their chemical and geological composition.

5. Scientists have countless data, and thousands of images recorded by spacecraft from the surfaces of some planets and their moons that showed the topography of their surfaces. And they gathered the necessary information to know the nature of its environment and the surrounding atmosphere of heat, pressure and gravity.

6. Study with laser radiation and optical fibers.

7. Letters sent by scientists outside the solar system on metal pieces containing information and data about the Earth and its location in the universe, which were placed in the spacecraft “Pioneer” 10 and 11, and other messages that were placed on the spacecraft “Voyager” 1 and 2 for the purpose of sending them outside the solar system as well, on I hope sane people outside our solar system will find it.

8. The Kepler space telescope, which was launched in 2009 to study 150,000 stars similar to the sun, with the aim of discovering Earth-like planets revolving around these stars, and the recently launched Senser and James Webb telescope.

From the analysis of the results of these studies, it was possible to conclude that the Earth at the present time is the only planet in the solar system in which life exists, due to the availability of appropriate environmental conditions for the organism and the conditions of heat, gravity, gases, and water, which is the basis for the existence of various types of life, “and we made from water every living thing.” And it represents the medium in which the first cell grew up, because that medium is available in the earth in different conditions of depth, cold, lighting and salinity.

As for the rest of the planets in the solar system, they are either excessively hot, such as Mercury and Venus, or excessively cold or gravitational, such as Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Heavy planets retain a high percentage of light gases such as hydrogen and a little ammonia and methane. As for the light planets such as Mercury and Pluto, they lack a gaseous atmosphere and are exposed to huge numbers of meteorite strikes and deadly radiation such as cosmic rays, and their atmospheres contain a high percentage of heavy gases such as Venus and Mars, which contain a very high percentage of carbon dioxide.

For all these considerations, life has become very rare on planets, and perhaps the chances of its existence in other bodies constitute a small percentage, perhaps less than 1%, for the huge numbers of stars, and even if they are found on a planet, it is difficult to contact them because of their distant distance and the technological inability to communicate today. Thus, we can say: There is little hope at the present time in discovering life on planets in the universe, especially after the “Voyager 1” spacecraft passed near the planet Saturn and its moon Titan, which represent almost the only possibility left for the existence of life on them, but this possibility has become slim now. However, it is wrong to restrict ourselves to searching for life on the planets of the solar system alone in the universe in which we live and whose number of stars (suns) exceeds 1022 other than the planets that revolve around some of them.

But since 2009, when the Kepler telescope was launched, the discovery of Earth-like planets has become certain, and the possibilities for life in the universe are great.

29 “And among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and what He has spread among them of an animal, and He is to gather them whenever He wills.” 29

* Director of the University of Sharjah

* President of the Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences

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