2024-09-17 06:45:14
Washington: There are many planets in the solar system that have more than one moon. Saturn has 146 known moons. But the Earth has only one moon. Scientists say that we may soon get a temporary mini moon. That is, then the Earth will have two moons for some time. This will be a rare astronomical event, which will show the strength of the Earth’s gravity. But this moon will not be like the one we see in the sky. Rather it will be very small in the form of an asteroid. The name of the asteroid that forms the mini-moon will be 2024 PT5. This asteroid has been discovered on 7 August 2024. Its diameter is about 10 meters. From September 29 to November 25, it will be captured by Earth’s gravity. During this two-month period, the asteroid will revolve around the Earth. But it will not be able to orbit the Earth once. After November 25, 2024, it will come out of Earth’s gravity and once again start revolving around the Sun. A related paper has been published by the American Astronomical Society, in which the researchers detailed the findings.
what the paper said
The paper says, ‘Near Earth Objects follow a horseshoe-shaped path. It approaches our planet closer and with less relative velocity. Then events like mini-moon occur. Due to this, the geocentric energy of the asteroid becomes negative for hours, days or months. But it goes on its way without completing the rotation.’ Asteroid 2024 PT5 is part of the Near Earth Objects with orbits similar to Earth.
Can you see it in the sky?
The relatively low velocity of this asteroid and its close approach to Earth will allow gravity to temporarily change its path. This will create a miniature moon. Earth has had miniature moons in the past as well. 2024PT will be too faint to be seen with the naked eye or most small telescopes. Its light intensity will be 22, which will be visible only in advanced observatories. Scientists are considering this a golden opportunity to study Near Earth Objects.