Earthquakes on Mars – The Scientist

by time news

First summary of the findings of the MARS INSIGHT spacecraft on Mars

One of the interesting topics in the study of Mars, which can testify a lot about the face of the planet, is earthquakes. A cumulative database of earthquakes on our planet has revealed many of the Earth’s consciences. This allowed for an in-depth recognition of the crust, mantle and nucleus of the world we live on, a kind of geological ECG. The Insight spacecraft that landed on Mars was equipped with a seismograph for the same purpose: to know the interior of Mars.

One of the measured areas is the separation zone between the crust and the mantle 35 km below the landing site of the Insight. Another measured area is the transition area within the mantle, where iron and magnesium silicates are undergoing geochemical change. Above this area these elements form a mineral called Olivine, and beneath it the heat and pressure compress them and a mineral called Wadsleyite is formed. For this reason this area has been named Wadsleyite Olivin. A third transit area is located deep within Mars 1600 – 1520 km below the lander (1).

The seismic measurements showed that the earthquakes on Mars are different from those of Earth. Their power is weaker. The strongest intensity measured was 3.6 on the Richter scale. The earthquakes are easy to measure because the earthquake caused by the ocean waves on Earth does not exist in the red star, and in addition the atmosphere is quieter between sunset and the small hours of the night.

Two types of earthquakes have been observed: low-frequency earthquakes that form waves that are distributed at different depths in the mantle, and higher-frequency earthquakes that create waves that pass through the crust. The low-frequency earthquakes are similar to terrestrial earthquakes and the high-frequency earthquakes to lunar earthquakes. Most earthquakes are high frequency and occur hundreds of miles from the lander. The frequency varies throughout the Martian year and is an unfamiliar phenomenon on Earth.

One of the epicenter of the earthquake is – Cerberus Fossae 1800 km from the landing site. It is one of the youngest geological structures on Mars, estimated to be 20 million years old and formed by tensile forces that created fault lines or subsidence due to displacement of dikes (2).

So far (April 2022) 47 new earthquakes have been measured at this location. It is estimated that the magma is still active in the mantle. Mars appears to be more seismically geologically active than previously thought (3).

Based on an examination of rocks on the ground and space measurements from Mars, it was concluded that in the nucleus, 1800 km below the ground, there are small amounts of sulfur, oxygen and hydrogen. The mass of the nucleus is 1/6 of Mars’ mass, To Earth, its nucleus is small, its surface is rusty and the volatility of volatile elements is greater than that on Earth (4)


1. “Rice researches use InSight for deep measurements”

7.8.2020 InSight_For_Deep_Measurements_999.html

2. “Seismicity on Mars Full of surprises, in first continuous year of data” 24.4.2021 Full _of_ Surprises_ In_ First_ Continuous _Year _Of_ Data_999.html

3.”Magma makes Marsquakes rock red planet” 4.4.2022 Marsquakes_ Rock_ Red_ Planet_999.html

4. “Journey to the center of Mars: new compositional model for the red planet” center-mars -compositionak-red.html

More on the subject on the Yadan website:

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