Easter in Communist Countries | Easter in communist countries

by time news

How many people know that Easter is secretly celebrated in some communist countries where Christian propaganda is banned? There is such a thing. It’s that simple. Christians in South Korea are very happy to sing Easter songs. They are generally practitioners and perform various art forms and share their joy with others. Going to Russia, China, Vietnam, Cuba, and Laos, you can see Christians celebrating Easter, albeit indirectly.

The Russian Orthodox Church is a multi-member church in Russia. The Christians there are very enthusiastic about celebrating Easter. Every Christian family has a lot of emotional connection to the churches. Easter eggs are the staple food of Russian Christians on Easter Day. Eggs are made by mixing sugar and color in a puree. The eggs may have been engraved with pictures of the Church Fathers. All of this is a sight to behold.

There are many olive churches and secret Christians in China. Religion is forbidden in a communist country, but believers secretly celebrate Easter. Churches are being demolished and missionaries and believers are being imprisoned here, but Christian churches and secret activities like the phoenix must be visited every day.

Christians in Poland use a large number of sheep for Easter celebrations. The entertainment of the local children is to bathe the pearly white sheep, put them in a clean cage and serve them delicious food. It is a beautiful sight.

Despite being a communist country, Cuba is a country where Christian propaganda is not banned. Fidel Castro’s soft approach saved Christian churches there. The main events of the local Easter celebrations are the singing of Easter songs and the exchange of Easter eggs. They begin preparations a week before Easter, but the festivities culminate on Easter Day and the day before.

Among Vietnamese Christians, both men and children participate in public Easter celebrations. Women mostly enjoy the festivities from the home environment. Resourceful food is also important for them. Vietnamese men take part in the Easter festivities by bathing in the sea and cooking food on the beach.

Laos, a communist country, also has small-scale Easter celebrations. Their festivities include swimming, cycling Easter flags and distributing Easter eggs.

Although South Korea has a liberal attitude towards Christians, North Korea is a country that seeks out and persecutes Christian missionaries. But Christians in South Korea welcome Easter with perfect joy. They will distribute home-cooked sweets to relatives and friends.

The locals are more enthusiastic about organizing Easter carols. In the churches they arrange the Easter feast. Seminars and sermons are being organized in connection with Easter. South Korean Christians, who are overjoyed, also use the day to engage in sports.

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