Easter Monday: what is celebrated today and what is the tradition? | life & knowledge

by time news

Easter Monday is April 10th this year.

But why do we have Easter Monday off? What is the historical significance of this holiday and what are the customs Easter?

Read all about Easter Monday.

What happened on Easter Monday?

According to the Gospel of Luke, on Easter Monday two disciples met a stranger on their way to Emmaus, whom they then recognized as Jesus Christ. They returned to Jerusalem and reported there of the resurrection of the Lord.

From this developed the custom of the Emmaus walk, which over time became a secular Easter walk. The Emmaus Walk still takes place in many places today. It usually starts at the parish church and ends at a chapel.

Which Nations Celebrate Easter Monday?

Today Easter Monday is not only an additional public holiday in Germany.

Also in Andorra, Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Indonesia, Italy, Ireland, Iceland, parts of Canada, Croatia, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, New Zealand, the Netherlands, Norway, Austria, Poland, San Marino, Sweden , parts of Switzerland, Slovenia, parts of Spain, South Africa, the Czech Republic, Hungary and the United Kingdom (except Scotland) are still at a standstill on Easter Monday.

The churches celebrate other Easter masses on this day. For Roman Catholics, Easter Monday has the status of a solemnity.

Interesting: Easter Monday is the last part of a non-working period that used to last from Palm Sunday (last Sunday before Easter) to White Sunday (first Sunday after Easter).

Since the High Middle Ages, vacations ended on Wednesdays after Easter. Since 1642 there was no work from Easter Sunday to the Tuesday after Easter.

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