Eastern DRC: M23 bombs several neighborhoods of Sake, new displacements (CongoForum)

by time news

SAKE – Since Monday, March 6, 2023, M23 rebels have fired bombs at several residential neighborhoods in the city of Sake in Masisi territory in North Kivu, causing considerable material damage and causing several serious injuries among the civilian population. . According to local civil society sources, about seven bombs were dropped on houses in Sake around 4:00 p.m.

The districts of Lutobogo, Kaduki, Bikali and Mubambiro were particularly affected, causing the destruction of more or less eight houses and the displacement of many inhabitants. The casualty toll is still uncertain, but several casualties have been reported.

These attacks follow the resumption of clashes between the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (FARDC) and M23 rebels in the Malehe region, earlier in the day on March 6, 2023. So far, there is no There has been no official communication from local authorities or M23 regarding these events.

On March 5, 2023, the president of M23, Bertrand Bisimwa, announced the end of the rebellion and the pursuit of purely political means to seek solutions to the root causes that preceded its creation. However, Sake’s attacks seem to point to a different reality.

Also on March 5, 2023, Burundian soldiers arrived in Goma, the capital of North Kivu province, as part of the regional force of the East African Community (EAC). They will occupy certain areas under M23 occupation after their withdrawal, notably in Kitshanga, Kilolirwe and around the city of Sake.

The situation in the Sake region is worrying and requires urgent intervention by local and international authorities to protect the civilian population. The M23 attacks endanger the lives of thousands of people and risk causing a new wave of forced displacement. It is crucial that all parties to the conflict in the DRC engage in peaceful negotiations to end the violence and ensure stability and security for the population of the North Kivu region, according to the Luanda roadmap.

During his visit to Kinshasa on Saturday March 4, French President Emmanuel Macron, speaking on the security situation, said that there will be sanctions for those who do not respect the commitments.

© CongoForum – writing, 06.03.23

Image – source: Congolese press

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