Easy to read weekly report / More than 24 hours a day, 668 days to explore Mars in the New Year to reveal the veil | Micro-literacy after school | Culture and education

by time news

Text/Lin Jiaren (teacher of Jinhua Junior High School in Beishi)

●Tell you / the north and south poles are covered with ice and snow, there will be no rain and sandstorms

Although there is no gurgling water, butMarsThere is really water, and the north and south poles of Mars are covered with ice and snow. The ice and snow on Mars are not only water ice, but also a thin layer of dry ice, which changes with the seasons. Water in different forms has also been discovered through observation: there is water vapor in the atmosphere, hydrous minerals in the soil in some areas, and there may be salt water under the ground. For space exploration, water is an extremely useful substance. Water is a necessity for life. The combination of oxygen and hydrogen produced by water can be used as propellant for rockets. Scientists have now mastered the water map of Mars. How to mine it? The Artemis program will conduct surveys and research on the moon first.

Is life on Mars similar to that on Earth? If you feel that 24 hours a day is not enough, you can live on Mars. A day on Mars is about 24 hours and 38 minutes, which is 38 minutes longer than that on Earth. This is because Mars rotates slower. If you hate hot weather, you can also consider Mars, because the average temperature of Mars is -63°C, and the highest temperature is only 35°C. If you want to take annual leave, you have to wait longer, because Mars is farther away from the sun than the earth, and it takes longer to revolve around the sun, so the year of Mars is also longer, with 668 days (Martian days) in a year, which is about 1.8 earth year. Mars also has seasonal changes, but it is a pity that the obvious changes occur at the poles. The ice and snow area of ​​​​the polar caps will increase and decrease according to the seasons. There is no need to worry about the problem of snow melting, because under the temperature and pressure conditions on the surface of Mars, water ice and dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) will directly Sublimated to the atmosphere, so Mars doesn’t rain, but has dust storms.

●See Difficulties/How to Make Oxygen Breathing How to Avoid Radiation Damage

But don’t think that if you go to Mars, you only need to bring enough warm clothes, and you can prepare a suitcase for landing. The atmospheric pressure of Mars is less than one percent of that of Earth, without proper protection, the blood in the human body will boil directly! In addition, the main component of the Martian atmosphere is carbon dioxide, and we cannot breathe directly. The good news is that NASA has successfully used the MOXIE oxygen generator to produce oxygen from carbon dioxide, which can produce 6 grams of oxygen per hour, which is equivalent to the speed at which a tree on the earth can produce oxygen. Although it cannot transform the atmosphere, at least it has the opportunity to Breathe freely in the Mars base.

Of greater concern are invisible radiation — high-speed particles or electromagnetic waves from the solar wind and cosmic rays. On the earth, human beings are protected by a dense atmosphere and a strong earth’s magnetic field, which filters or shields most of the radiation, and a small amount of radiation is drawn to the poles and collides with atmospheric particles to create a fantastic aurora. If it is far away from the earth, traveling in space, and Mars lacks a global magnetic field, how to avoid radiation damage? In the just completed Artemis 1 mission, the unmanned Orion carried 3 dummies, all equipped with radiation measuring instruments, to study the functions of space suits and special anti-radiation vests, in preparation for future long-distance space travel . If living on Mars, the Mars base built underground is the best choice, which can keep warm and reduce space radiation.

●Looking at the future/Testing the rocket has completed the construction of the portal station supply relay

Although Mars is not big, its radius is about half that of the Earth, and its surface area is close to the entire land area of ​​the Earth. Having Mars is equivalent to adding another living space of the Earth. Whether it is possible to advance to Mars, the Artemis project is an important key. The Artemis program is divided into three tasks at this stage, and the first mission, Artemis 1, has been successfully completed to test the hardware of the entire system including the rocket launch, the Orion spacecraft orbiting the moon, and the landing process. Body and software performance. Artemis 2 will carry people around the moon, going deeper into space than any previous astronaut on the journey. Then Artemis 3 will land people on the moon again, and explore and drill for water ice at the south pole of the moon.

The Mars Gateway space station (left) and the Orion spacecraft (right). (Photo/NASA)

At the same time, NASA is also cooperating with many countries to build the Gateway space station (Gateway). The Gateway will be the first space station around the moon, and it will also be an important platform to develop technology and capabilities and support subsequent space exploration. It can berth a variety of visiting spacecraft and provide space for crew accommodation, and conduct research and prepare for moon landing missions here. In the future, lunar astronauts will use the portal as a temporary residence and workplace when traveling to and from the surface of the moon, establish a permanent base on the moon, and research and use the resources of the moon. In the future, it will gradually expand to human exploration of Mars and even the space of the entire solar system The ship docks at the spaceport for resupply. At present, the United States, China, and South Korea have plans to send people to Mars. Dear readers, landing on the moon is imperative, and the mission to Mars is about to start. Do you want to be a pioneer in pioneering Mars?

●Talk about the reason/Explore the veil of Mars to reveal the new choice of Earth immigration

There are 8 planets around the sun in the solar system. The earth we live in is the third closest planet to the sun. Mars is outside the earth. It is the fourth and the farthest terrestrial planet in the solar system. It emits The red brilliance of the star has always attracted the curiosity and imagination of the eastern and western worlds throughout the ages. In ancient China, it was considered as the star of evil and temptation, and in the west, it was called by the name of Mars, the god of war in ancient Roman mythology. Since the 1960s, more than 30 probes have been sent to Mars one after another. The appearance of Mars revealed by them has made Mars regarded as the most suitable new choice for human beings to land or even emigrate in the solar system.

●Look at the topography/Whether there was once a river, should there be water, whether there was life

Mars is a terrestrial planet, and the mineral resources that the earth has, Mars may also have. There are many iron-containing rocks on the surface of Mars, which turn into reddish-brown iron oxide after oxidation. When these rusty dust are stirred into the atmosphere, it makes the sky of Mars look a little red. Although Mars is dry, its terrain is not monotonous. There are significant differences between the northern and southern hemispheres. The northern hemisphere is a gentle lowland, while the southern hemisphere has a higher terrain with complex and rugged terrain. There are craters, volcanoes and canyons. Among them, river valleys similar to those on Earth have been observed Therefore, scientists believe that Mars should have had a warm and wet period in the past. What happened to make the running water on Mars disappear? And could (was) this water harbor life on Mars? Will the earth’s environment naturally move towards Mars in the future?

Mars topographic map: the terrain is shown in rainbow tones, the red terrain is higher, and the blue terrain is lower. The northern hemisphere of Mars is a gentle lowland, while the southern hemisphere is higher and the terrain changes greatly.  (Photo/NASA)
Mars topographic map: the terrain is shown in rainbow tones, the red terrain is higher, and the blue terrain is lower. The northern hemisphere of Mars is a gentle lowland, while the southern hemisphere is higher and the terrain changes greatly. (Photo/NASA)

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