Eat Colorful, Feel Better: A Simple Nutritional Guide for Healthier Eating

by time news

2024-01-27 06:00:02

Eat healthier with more colors on your plate. That’s exactly what an author advises in a new guide. A simple concept should make it possible to eat a more nutritious diet. Is it really that simple?

The concept “Eat colorful, feel better” is intended to help you eat healthier. Image: Adobe Stock/ sonyakamoz

By editor Sabrina Böhme

27.01.2024 07:00

Many people want to eat healthier. There are now numerous diets that promise exactly that. However, these diets are often very restricted. The nutritional concept “Eat colorful, feel better” shows that it can be done very easily and without any prohibitions. This promises: Through a colorful variety of foods, everyone can eat a nutritious and healthy diet.

“Eat colorful, feel better”: healthy eating through a simple nutritional concept

Another nutritional guide? What new does it bring? That’s exactly what skeptics ask themselves. With “Eat colorful, feel better” the author breaks new ground. In her book, nutritionist Carolin Kotke deliberately wants to give people a guide for their personal reorientation on their plate. Because of her cancer, she has taken a closer look at nutrition. She noticed the positive influence food can have on the body.

Healthy nutrition through colorful food combinations

The title raises the question of what the colors are all about. There should be foods of different colors on the plate. This is exactly what makes it easier to eat healthier and meet your personal nutritional needs. There is a color guide in the book that can be used to combine foods. This combination supplies the body with all important nutrients. However, it is important to rely on unprocessed foods and lots of fruit and vegetables. The author clearly explains in the book what the body needs. It goes into all macro, micro and mesonutrients and explains what tasks vitamins, minerals or secondary plant substances fulfill in the body. In one chapter she also talks in more detail about mesonutrients, which should not be missing from your daily diet. Which foods can be used to cover these. Germinated foods such as legumes are particularly nutrient-rich, she writes. The book also gives tips on preparation and storage and provides alkaline recipes.

Macronutrients: Fats, proteins, carbohydrates

Micronutrients: Vitamins and minerals

Mesonutrients: phytochemicals, fiber and probiotics (in fermented foods)

The book aims to raise awareness of healthy eating and at the same time improve well-being. Unlike other nutritional guides, the concept is easy to understand and very innovative to implement. For example, the color scheme shows which foods in a smoothie cover all the nutrients. If you haven’t yet dealt with the topic, you can learn more about healthy eating. At the same time, he gets tips on how to always have healthy food at home. The guide also offers new ideas for people who are already concerned with healthy eating.

Also read:

Carolin Kotke with her new guide “Eat colorful, feel better”. Image: GU/Carolin Kotke

“Eat colorful, feel better” by Carolin Kotke was published on January 4th, 2024

Titel: “Eat colourful, feel better”
Author: Carolin Kotke
Publisher: GU, 2024
Number of pages, book type: 192, hardcover
Price: 26 euros
ISBN: 978-3-8338-9148-9

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