Eat to relieve stress…not overeating. But have to eat 11 things: PPTVHD36

by time news

Did you know that when stress occurs in the body? the longer the stress The more the adrenal glands use the vitamins in the body. It may cause vitamin deficiencies, resulting in fatigue, insomnia, constipation and depression. We therefore need to supplement vitamin-rich foods as a replacement. As for whether there is any menu that will be a great helper to add happiness to you?

1. Banana

Bananas are rich in potassium and minerals that can help reduce stress. It also contains tryptophan and amino acids that help secrete happiness substances.

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2. Milk and Yogurt

Not just the nutrients that are essential to the nervous system. but also rich in tryptophan…helps the mind calm down This is why doctors recommend drinking at least one glass of milk a day.

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3. Spinach and Broccoli

Green vegetables are often rich in folate, B vitamins, magnesium, and minerals. The folic acid will help with the functioning of the nerves. Decreased stress levels…more calm

Eat to relieve stress...not overeating.  But have to eat these 11 things.

4. Tuna, salmon and various freshwater fish

Meat and fish not only provide good nutrients that are beneficial to the body, but “omega-3” also stimulates the secretion of adrenaline. Prevent heart disease related to stress. Along with vitamin B6 and B12 that help stimulate the secretion of happiness.

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5. Nuts

If you feel stressed while working or reading Try picking up nuts to chew and enjoy. And the vitamin B, E, magnesium and zinc in the beans.. help reduce stress. Ah! But don’t accidentally eat too much. Because beans are also high in calories.

Eat to relieve stress...not overeating.  But have to eat these 11 things.

6. Berries

Antioxidants and Vitamin C…not only help your skin. But it can also reduce stress. I want to be refreshed.. I want to relieve stress. You can choose to eat fresh berries as a snack or to blend in smoothies.

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7. Chicken meat

Did you know that … besides warm milk? that helps to sleep well Choosing a chicken dinner menu can help you sleep better as well.

Eat to relieve stress...not overeating.  But have to eat these 11 things.

8. Oranges and Citrus Fruits

In addition to the berry family There are also many citrus and citrus fruits that can help reduce stress. And the body can’t make vitamins on its own…so we have to choose to get vitamins from the food we eat. so that the body has enough immune system

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9. Avocado

Classified as a fruit that is rich in vitamin B is high. This makes it possible to reduce stress levels quickly. It also helps nourish the nervous system and brain cells as well. If you’re worried about high calories… just 4 tablespoons of servings will keep your calorie intake around 100 calories.

10. Dark Chocolate

We already know that chocolate can help reduce stress in the body because it contains flavonols that lower blood pressure and have brain benefits. But for better health…and less fat. So we have to choose to eat. “Dark chocolate” with cocoa content of 70% or more

11. Dried apricots

with magnesium rich in apricot Helps muscles feel relaxed.. and is also an essential nutrient for the nervous system.

Sweet, oily, too salty, “weak heart”, pleasant taste, but destroys health.

“Stress” can be treated in a variety of ways. Whether it is exercise, meditation, aromatherapy. as well as adjusting the thinking attitude to be positive as well as…avoid alcoholic beverages Because this does not help relieve stress as many people understand.

Thank you health information from Phyathai 2 Hospital

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