Eating a lot but not defecating, risking becoming a residual stool condition no effect on lungs and heart |

by time news

residual feces

Get to know the residual stool condition if symptoms occur, eat a lot, do not defecate. flatulence until pain lower back pain shortness of breath lower back pain shortness of breath

From the message posted on the online world, it says that he eats a lot but does not take photos. a hard stomach Not farting, insomnia, uncomfortable. The wind in the stomach will push the diaphragm kidneys, causing the pain to go out of the back. Leave it to the lungs, the heart is not functioning properly. The Anti-Fake News Center checked with the Chest Institute of the Department of Medical Services, Ministry of Public Health, confirming that it is not true.

Chest Disease Institute, Department of Medical Services, Ministry of Public Health Indicates the case of eating a lot but the body does not excrete, it is called fecal residual condition. for fecal residual conditions There will be several symptoms together as follows:

  • stomach ache
  • Stomach bloating, tightness in the stomach, stomach discomfort
  • Nausea, vomiting
  • blood in the stool due to hemorrhoids
  • Eating less food. Bored of food.
  • Sour belching, frequent farting
  • Frequent urination from bladder pressure
  • lower back pain shortness of breath Because the feces and air in the abdomen are so much that it pushes on the diaphragm.

The information that eat a lot but do not pass, leaving the lungs and heart malfunctioning residual feces It has no effect on lung and heart function.

How to prevent diarrhea

for protection residual feces Can be practiced, not difficult to do, such as

  1. Practicing excretion must be practiced every day.
  2. practice defecation Many people understand that it’s easy. But the body has to force to defecate properly. This can be done by sitting on the toilet bowl. bend forward slightly Use your hands to press down on your lower left abdomen. This will help stimulate a good bowel movement. but excretion training The body must be relaxed, not tense.
  3. do not hold stool You should find a bathroom and defecate as soon as you feel pain. Trying to strain your stool when your stomach is not upset Forceful straining of stool increases intestinal pressure.
  4. drink enough water Drinking enough water will help with the digestive system. It is recommended to drink 8-10 glasses of water per day, sipping during the day.
  5. Eat a healthy diet. Choose fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber. Because fiber is useful for excretion, it can help reduce fecal residue.
  6. Supplement with probiotic foods such as yogurt, sour milk, but should choose the type that has less sugar.
  7. Exercise, in addition to gaining the strength of the body. It also helps the intestines to contract. Improved digestion of the stomach

Constipation is different from stool residual.

except residual feces Constipation also has similar symptoms. and must be careful not to occur For constipation is common. when the bowel contracts or even move slowly when digesting food until unable to excrete feces from the gastrointestinal tract Rajavithi Hospital, Department of Medical Services explains the symptoms that the warning signs are:

  • defecation less than 3 times a week or excretion is less than it used to be
  • Stools are hard, lumpy, small pellets.
  • feeling unable to defecate inability to defecate
  • Difficult to pass stool must use force
  • Have pain while defecating
  • You may experience flatulence, abdominal pain, or pain in the abdomen.

If the symptoms mentioned above are found for a long time Or occur for 3 consecutive months from just normal constipation to become chronic constipation. The chronic constipation is so severe that it can lead to complications such as hemorrhoids. Cracked wounds around the anus and intestinal obstruction

constipation causes

  • frequent incontinence Holding stool for a long time
  • Do not eat foods that contain fiber. or eating insufficient fiber foods
  • rarely exercise
  • Taking certain medications can also cause constipation, such as pain relievers, antacids, and some high blood pressure medications. iron-containing tonics, diuretics
  • drink less
  • Too much or too little weight
  • stress problem have mental problems

Constipation can be prevented.

  1. Modifying lifestyle and diet habits, such as eating foods that are high in fiber, especially vegetables, fruits and whole grains.
  2. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of pure water per day.
  3. exercise regularly
  4. excrete for a certain time each day
  5. Laxatives should not be used for a long time.

If symptoms do not improve The doctor will provide treatment with drugs divided into many types, such as fiber or fiber. Contains substances that have the ability to absorb water well, soften stools and pass easily stimulant laxative Stimulate the rhythm of intestinal contractions to work better osmotic laxative helps absorb more water back into the large intestine The stool is not dry and hard. Reduce the problem of excretion difficult. Stool lubricants, suppositories, and douching

For other symptoms, consult a doctor for diagnosis. receive proper treatment There are warning signs such as constipation, diarrhea alternating. smaller stools bloody stool Unexplained weight loss and fatigue

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