Eating Apples Regularly Can Improve Memory and Lower the Risk of Alzheimer’s, Says Top Scientist

by time news

“Apples Can Improve Memory and Lower Risk of Alzheimer’s, Says Scientist”

A top scientist has revealed a surprising benefit apples can have on your brain health. Food scientist Dr Vincent Candrawinata said there is good evidence to suggest eating apples regularly can improve memory and may lower the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr Vincent explained that apples contain vitamins and minerals that have been linked to memory preservation. He mentioned that the fruit is rich in phenolics such as flavonoids, which can help protect the brain from harmful substances and lower the risk of Alzheimer’s.

Flavonoids, which can also be found in many other fruits and vegetables, are known to be strong antioxidant agents that can lessen symptoms of depression and anxiety. Dr Vincent cited an American study that found those who ate lower flavonoid-rich foods were more likely to develop Alzheimer’s and related dementias over a 20-year period.

He emphasized the importance of proper absorption of these beneficial compounds and mentioned that a higher intake of apples can give the body important vitamins and minerals that protect brain cells from neurotoxicity. Neurotoxicity occurs when the body’s nervous system is exposed to natural or man-made toxic substances, potentially leading to disruptions or damage to brain neurons.

While there is currently no known cure or cause of Alzheimer’s disease, Dr Vincent advised leading a healthy lifestyle, including eating a balanced diet and maintaining fitness, as ways to reduce the risk of developing the disease. He highlighted the significance of incorporating fresh apples into one’s daily diet, not just for brain health but also for mental health. Apples are a good source of pectin, a soluble fiber, which has been linked to a lower risk of depression symptoms.

Dr Vincent concluded by stating, “It’s amazing to think that a simple fruit like an apple can play such an important role in lowering the risk of developing Alzheimer’s.” He encouraged individuals to consume a variety of fruits and vegetables regularly, as they are highly beneficial for mental health and can decrease the likelihood of experiencing symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Overall, this revelation by Dr Vincent Candrawinata highlights the potential positive impact of including apples in our diets for brain health, memory improvement, and reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

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