Eavesdropping on terrorists: why they hit the Chabad house

by time news
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Recent recordings from the period of the terrorist attacks in India, including the horrific attack on a Chabad house in Mumbai, show that the terrorists chose to hit the Chabad house – in order to create an echo around the world in general and among the Jews of the world in particular. This emerges from the publication of the Jewish Time.news.

The secret tapes were recorded by Indian intelligence officials, including members of the Pakistani terrorist organization Shakar al-Taiba, who carried out a series of terrorist attacks in which the attack on a Chabad house in Mumbai in which terrorists killed the apostles Rabbi Gabriel and Rebecca Holzberg along with other Jews staying at the house. As is well known, the housekeeper managed to escape together with the boy Moishe Holzberg – who survived thanks to her composure.

Choice of destinations

In addition to the attack on Beit Chabad, the squad carried out a series of attacks in various places, including a train station, a hospital, hotels and more … More than 200 people were killed in the attacks, and hundreds were injured.

The terrorists chose the targets out of a desire to attract as much global attention as possible. For example, the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel was chosen as a place where many rich people are.

According to the recordings, the choice of the Chabad House also came against the background of the global uproar that such a terrorist attack creates – and also a violation of many years of silence in the area between the Jewish religion and the Hindu and Muslim area.

The voice that was heard in the recordings sounded like the voice of Zachior Rahman to Maccabi, who was actually behind the planning of the deadly attacks that shook the whole world.

Oren Rosenfeld, an Israeli filmmaker who received the recording, told the JC newspaper that “there are recordings from the terrorists in which they explicitly state the Chabad House as a target – one of the other targets on the terrorists’ list,” he said. .

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“There is a thriving community. This is a great example of a country where Jews have never been persecuted and in today’s world it is really rare. It is a city of 23 million people and it is made up of many different religions and they all get along. The purpose of this attack was to shatter this harmony.”

The terrorist attack in Mumbai was carried out by members of a Pakistani terrorist organization affiliated with al-Qaeda in two days, in which more than 200 people were killed and dozens more injured.

As mentioned, one of the targets was a Chabad house, where the occupants of the house were taken hostage, while the caregiver fled with the son of Chabad emissaries.

Among the hostages were Chabad emissaries Rabbi Gabriel and Rivka Holzberg, Ben Zion Croman, Arie Leibush Teitelbaum, and Yocheved Orpaz.

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