Ebay classifieds fraud: 3 new tricks and how to protect yourself *** BILDplus content *** – Internet

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Ebay classifieds scam

Three new tricks and how to protect yourself

Fraud with forwarding agencies +++ Purchase via “secure payment” +++ The triangle trick

Photo: Christoph Dernbach/dpa

If you shop online, you need to beware of scammers. With ever new tricks and dirty tricks, gangsters try to steal your money or sensitive data from you online. Welcome victims are the users of the eBay classifieds platform.

Even the State Criminal Police Offices warn again and again about the sophisticated frauds of the crooks. The scams often affect not only buyers but also sellers. But users are not defenseless. In an interview with COMPUTER BILD, Jöran Rieß, head of the “Trust and Safety” team at Ebay classifieds, reveals what users should pay attention to when buying and selling on the platform.

COMPUTER BILD shows three current meshes and how to protect yourself from them.

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