«Eco/Echo», Charles Bernstein at the Morra Foundation

by time news

NoonNovember 22, 2022 – 4:00 pm

November 25 at Casa Morra Archives of Contemporary Art with Barbara Anceschi, Giancarlo Alfano, Giovanna Marmo, Domenico Mennillo and Tommaso Ottonieri

from LM

On Friday 25 November, at 18.30, at Casa Morra – Archives of Contemporary Art (Salita San Raffaele 20/C, Naples) the volume Eco/Echo by Charles Bernstein, Del Verri editions, edited by Carla Buranello and with translations by Luigi Dancers, Gherardo Bortolotti, Carla Buranello, Marco Giovenale, Milli Graffi.

«Eco/Echo» collects the poems chosen by the author starting from Senses of Responsibility of 1979 up to the latest texts released this year in the United States in Topsy-Turvy.

During the evening the author will create a performance relating to the English texts of the volume, read in Italian by the poets Giovanna Marmo and Tommaso Ottonieri; moreover, the evening will see the presence of Giancarlo Alfanoprofessor of Italian literature at the University of Naples Federico II, of the editorial director of Del Verri editions Barbara Anceschi e you Dominic Mennilloscientific director of the Archives section of Casa Morra.

Charles Bernstein (New York, 1950), American poet and essayist, he is founder and editor with B. Andrews of the magazine L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E (1978-81) and leading exponent of the Language poets. He has taught at the State University of New York at Buffalo and at the University of Pennsylvania, where he is professor emeritus in English and comparative literature. He is co-founder and co-curator, with Al Filreis, of PennSound and curator and co-founder, with Loss Pequeño Glazier, of The Electronic Poetry Center.

The volume that will be presented in Naples is not an anthology with parallel text. It is a two-faced book: on one side the English texts, on the other, the volume turned upside down, the translations edited by the Italian poets who collaborated with Bernstein in the name of an experimental and inventive poetry. The volume also includes an essay by Bernstein on the relationship between contemporary American poetry and Italian poetry. Info [email protected].

November 22, 2022 | 4:00 pm

© Time.News

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