Economic success, and individuality is a gift from God- Pope

by time news

The motivation to change the way of life within organizations, leader-employee relationship, quality pay, relationship with the environment and responsibility for it will be discussed.

Marina Raj – Vatican

Pope Francis urged the members of the UNIAPAC World Conference to realize that economic success and the skills we have acquired to achieve it are a gift from God, and to give opportunities to young people to travel together through new job opportunities.

The Pope said this while meeting the members participating in the 27th World Conference of Christian Economic Administrators of the United Nations, UNIAPAC, which will be held in Rome from Thursday, October 20th to Saturday, 22nd, at the St. Paul VI Arena, Vatican.

The Pope emphasized that everything we have received from God should not be used to enrich ourselves, but should be used to develop the relationship and social unity among all, and the world expects a living alternative economy that is inclusive, humane, beneficial to the environment.

The Holy Father emphasized that new creative jobs should be created considering poverty alleviation and the development of others, and a new economy should be created for the common good that contributes to the development of all without leaving behind anyone, such as those marginalized by society and marginal people.

The Pope requested that the job opportunities that exist through human dignity should be properly given to the workers who are created in God’s own image, and that the work quality of all such as daily wage earners, migrants, migrants, and those working at the lower level in informal organizations should be raised.

Economic categories

The Pope asked everyone to work together to create an economy of peace, a creative economy, an economy for all, an economy that gives security and respect to all, an economy that sees workers as friends.

Emphasizing that the youth play an important role in economic development and that they are full of new ideas and creativity, the Pope emphasized that entrepreneurs and economic leaders are invited to accompany the youth without excluding them, teach them and learn from them. .

The Pope emphasized that everyone has a duty to contribute to the progress of his own country and the progress of the entire human family, according to his ability, and that this duty of unity and justice is the best way to bring about economic progress for all of humanity.

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