Economist, signatory of the Act of Independence V. Terleckas died

by times news cr

V. Terleckas was born in 1939. September 13 In the village of Krivasalis, Utena county, Saldutiškis township (now Ignalina district).

1946-1951 studied at Krivasals primary school, 1951-1958. – at Linkmeni secondary school. 1958 and 1959 entered higher school, but was not accepted either to Vilnius University or Vilnius Pedagogical Institute, although he passed the entrance exams well. The reason is the anti-Soviet activities and imprisonment of brother Antanas Terleckos.

1959-1961 V. Terleckas worked in mining in Kazakhstan, in timber preparation in Karelia, in a peat bog in Lithuania, as a laborer, surveyor, foreman during the reconstruction of the runway of the Vilnius airport.

1961-1966 V. Terlekcas studied banking at the Faculty of Economics of Vilnius University. After his studies, he worked for a year in the Vilnius branch of the State Bank of the USSR. Since 1967 autumn – head of the Finance and Credit Department of Vilnius University. teacher in 1976 February 26 At the Nikolai Voznesensky Institute of Financial Economics in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), he defended his thesis for a candidate of economic sciences “Development of non-cash payments and opportunities for their improvement”.

in 1986 V. Terleckis was awarded the title of associate professor 10 years after the defense of his thesis, because he refused to obey the demand of the university management to publicly condemn the activities of his imprisoned brother Antanas or at least to publish an article praising the Soviet reality.

in 1989 V. Terleckas of the Council of Ministers of the Lithuanian SSR was appointed to lead the group for the development of the independent monetary and credit system of Lithuania, 1989-1996. he studied the problems of creating Lithuanian money and credit systems.

in 1990 March 4 V. Terleckas was elected deputy of the Supreme Council of the LTSR. Since 1990 March 20 he was a member of the permanent Economic Commission, since 1990. August 8 – Member of the Banking and Credit Subgroup of the Financial, Banking and Credit Expert Group, since 1990. September 12 – Member of the commission to investigate violations of the procedure for the export of material values ​​from the Republic of Lithuania. in 1991 January 15 V. Terleckas was appointed as the chairman of the commission of the Foundation for the Defense of Independence. Since 1992 July 30 – member of the permanent Budget Commission.

1991-1993 V. Terleckas worked as a consultant of the Bank of Lithuania, director of the Science Center, 1993-1996. – Director of the Training Center of the State Commercial Bank.

in 2000 After retiring, V. Terleck continued his research.

V. Terleckas did not belong to any political organizations or parties.

V. Terleckas taught at Vilnius University for 33 years, published 22 monographs on Lithuanian banking and monetary issues, a textbook, 4 teaching aids for students, published more than 550 scientific articles on various topics, some of which were published as separate books “Rewriting history and having fun with Lithuanian backwardness” (2007) and “Challenges of Falsification and Denigration of Lithuanian History” (2009).

V. Terleckas was awarded the Officer’s Cross of the Order “For Merit to Lithuania” and the Knight’s Cross of the Order “For Merit to Lithuania”, and the Lithuanian Independence Medal on the occasion of the decade of the restoration of the state of Lithuania.


2024-09-06 21:33:25

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