Economy, a question of trust

by time news

2023-11-20 11:08:40

Governing is not only manage well guiding political action to general interest. It is also about giving confidence and being clear about where you are going. In economy, especially in fickle and constantly changing contexts, Trust is the base, the foundation, on which to build. The social democratic policies that this Government has been developing have achieved, in just five years, that Spain has consolidated itself as the engine of economic growth in Europe.

Since Feijóo predicted the imminent arrival of a “deep economic crisis”, more than a year ago, the evolution of growth of our country has not stopped giving us good news.

A good example of this is the data from the latest EPA for the third quarter, which has left us a new employment record in our country: 21.2 million workers. Or the GDP, which confirms its alignment with the Government’s forecasts for this year.

Our economy is advancing steadily, despite being in an international context of great uncertainty on the world economy due to factors such as the war in Ukraine, trade problems between great powers, the rise in raw materials prices, inflation or the rise in rates. And despite this, the Spanish economy grows 0.3% in the third quarter, and employment is already close to the 2008 lows, the lowest known unemployment rate, precisely with another socialist government headed by José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero.

He reformist impulse has been, and will be, the driving force of the government’s action Pedro Sánchez. Reforms with dialogue and social agreement that generate trust, give stability to Spanish political life, and allow much-needed social peace. A virtuous circle in which bold and determined measures are agreed upon with economic and social agents, as has happened with the labor reform, or the promotion of lifelong vocational training.

Agreements that have also been reached with the European institutions, and that have facilitated an unprecedented modernization of our economy, work, and a strengthening of the Welfare State through innovative policies and the good use of Next Generation funds.

Y while Spain creates jobs, The main opposition party denies this, questioning the official data, whether from the SEPE, the INE, the INI, or any independent organization over which the right systematically generates shadows of suspicion. One more example of his populist drift.

President Sánchez’s commitment to a fair and strong recovery is beginning to reach homes and businesses, and is transforming our economy. The good employment and growth data should continue to encourage us to fight hard to achieve full employment in our country in the next term. We are closer than ever to that goal, and I am convinced that the action of the new Government will make it possible. More and better jobs for a better quality of life: continue revaluing the SMI, improve safety and health at work, reduction of working hours, and better work-life balance. That’s the goal.

The recent labor reform, as questioned as boycotted by the PP, It has managed to improve employment stability, giving workers opportunities that they would never have had under a right-wing government.

The myth that the PP manages the economy better has been proven false in light of the results obtained by this Government. But also because the author of the sadly famous “economic miracle of the PP” ended up in jail, and because the highest unemployment rate in the recent history of Spain occurred, precisely, during the Government of Mariano Rajoy.

The PP, when it governs the economy, does so only for a few: for those it benefits with its tax amnesties, and for those with enormous fortunes whom it favors with tax cuts, imperceptible for mortals, but very substantial for the rich. To the middle class, we already know: tax increases and cuts in public services and social policies. One fact: the last PP Government left unemployment protection at 48%. Today it is already 71.51%.

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The Government of President Sánchez is a Government that complies. That has put the necessary measures in place to create employment in a sustained, stable and quality manner, creating an economy that stands out for its strength, its dynamism and, above all, for the trust it generates inside and outside our borders. A Government that promotes economic growth, mobilizing investments to reindustrialize and digitalize the economy with measures such as the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, with more than 140,000 million euros. A Government that has promoted from the beginning a rapid, fair and clean recovery, as socialists do when we govern.

There are two ways of governing and two ways of managing the economy: that of the socialists, promoting growth and employment, protecting the rights of workers and leaving no one behind, and that of the PP; distributing the costs of the crises unfairly, cutting rights and with the shadow of corruption that always accompanies the Popular Party.

#Economy #question #trust

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