Economy in Marghat, yet confusion in mind! What is China’s plan behind increasing the defense budget? – 2024-03-13 04:04:02

by times news cr

2024-03-13 04:04:02
New Delhi: China’s economy is stuck in recession. He has not yet recovered from the blow of the Corona epidemic. But, he is obsessed with war. Its construction is provided by the Dragon’s defense budget. Recently China has announced its defense budget for 2024. This item has been increased by 7.2 percent in the budget. It will reach 1.66554 trillion yuan (CNY) i.e. approximately $231.4 billion. This continued increase in military spending reflects China’s focus on modernizing the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). By increasing military expenditure even in very critical times, China has given the message that it is going to maintain its aggression. It is not hidden that giving priority to the army harms other sectors like education and public safety. Due to this the budget in other sectors decreases. Since the conflict in Galwan, China has remained India’s mortal enemy. This is also a message to India to keep its military preparedness very strong. China’s defense budget is much higher than its neighbours. This is 12 times more than Taiwan and 4 times more than Japan. Experts believe that China’s continued emphasis on military spending is motivated by its security goals. This also includes gaining control over Taiwan.

China has set this big target

The PLA has set a target of becoming a ‘modern army’ by 2027. To achieve this target, China is investing in advanced technology, science and weapons. This increase in China’s defense budget has raised concerns about its intentions toward Taiwan. PLA is carrying out military activities near Taiwan. This also includes flying aircraft in its air defense zone. This poses a threat from India’s point of view also. India’s relations with China have deteriorated in the last few years. The aggression of the dragon is the biggest reason behind this. Not only this, China is continuously establishing its roots in other countries of the region with its wealth and power. If it has any biggest competitor in the region, it is India.

What does China claim, why are there doubts?

China claims that its military spending is necessary to protect its national interests and respond to regional threats. However, neighboring countries and other nations doubt this narrative. The PLA is also carrying out internal reforms to increase combat readiness and efficiency. This includes eliminating corruption and improving the living conditions of workers. Experts also say that there is a lack of transparency in China’s defense budget. Official figures do not fully reflect actual spending. The actual expense may be much higher. At a time when China’s economy is going through a very bad phase, the huge increase in the defense budget is not acceptable to anyone. This is the biggest reason for doubt on China.

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