ECOWAS delays while the health of President Mohamed Bazoum worries

by time news

2023-08-12 20:02:36

Did you miss the latest events on the conflict in Niger? 20 Minutes takes stock for you every evening at 8 p.m. Who did what ? Who said what? Where are we ? The answer below.

The fact of the day

Nigerien President Mohamed Bazoum, sequestered in his presidential residence in Niamey since July 26, the date of the coup, “had a visit from his doctor” this Saturday, one of his relatives told AFP, while Concerns about his health are mounting.

The doctor “also brought him food”, as well as his son and his wife retained with him, said this relative. “He is doing well given the situation,” he added.

According to the NGO Human Rights Watch, which spoke to Mohamed Bazoum, he described the treatment of his family as “inhuman and cruel”. According to the American media CNN, Mohamed Bazoum has only pasta and rice to eat. According to the same source, he also claimed in a series of messages sent to a friend that no one brought him food or medicine.

sentence of the day

The military option seriously considered by ECOWAS is not a war against Niger and its people, but a police operation against the hostage taker and his accomplices”

These are the words of Hassoumi Massaoudou, the Nigerien Minister of Foreign Affairs, who wanted to react to recent events on Twitter (newly X). One of the hostages is none other than the ousted president, Mohamed Bazoum. However, according to one of the Nigerien president’s relatives, the new illegitimate masters of Niamey have brandished “the threat” of attacking him if an armed intervention takes place. “The intervention will be risky, he is aware of it, he considers that a return to constitutional order is necessary, with or without him”, because “the rule of law is more important than his person”, assured to AFP one of his advisers.

The number of the day

1.500. This is the number of French soldiers currently deployed in Niger who have been patiently waiting to know their fate for several days. The junta and its sympathizers have multiplied their voices to demand French troops, in particular on Friday evening during a pro-coup demonstration. However, for now, a withdrawal of the French army is not part of the French government’s plans.

The trend

Members of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) have postponed indefinitely a key meeting scheduled for this Saturday on the deployment of a joint intervention force to restore democratic order and President Mohamed Bazoum reversed.

This meeting, initially scheduled for Saturday in Accra, was postponed for “technical reasons”, according to regional military sources. The chiefs of staff of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) were to inform their leaders “of the best options” to follow up on their decision to activate and deploy its “force in waiting”. The timetable and terms of a possible West African military intervention have not been disclosed. But according to Ivorian President Alassane Ouattara, whose country will contribute to this “standby force”, it should be able to intervene “as soon as possible”.

Also, Nigerian religious leaders arrived this Saturday in Niamey to meet members of the military regime. The delegation was received at Diori Hamani airport by the newly appointed civilian Prime Minister, Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeine.

#ECOWAS #delays #health #President #Mohamed #Bazoum #worries

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