Ecuador rejects gasoline price increase – 2024-07-26 12:44:12

by times news cr

2024-07-26 12:44:12

Ecuadorian social organizations, grouped in the United Workers Front (FUT), called for protests this Thursday against the increase in the price of Extra and Ecopaís gasoline, a neoliberal measure promoted by President Daniel Noboa, and warned that it will lead to higher prices for basic products and worsen inequalities.

A leader of the Popular Front, Geovanny Atarihuana, said that the demonstrations in Carchi and Santo Domingo were a preview, since the strongest mobilizations are expected to occur in the afternoon.

In the capital, the protest – under the slogan “Gasoline prices are going up, everything is going up” – is expected to start at 4:00 p.m., according to the preparations underway by the UNE and the Federation of University Students of Ecuador (FEUE).

These and other organizations described the gasoline price increase as an anti-popular package and an expression of the Executive’s subordination to the demands of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). They stressed that it will lead to an increase in the cost of living, inflation and the poverty rate.

In addition to rejecting the “gasoline tax,” which is being applied after Noboa decided to eliminate subsidies for both fuels, UNE members reject the Regulations to the Organic Law of Intercultural Education (LOEI). They consider it unconstitutional and an attack on the rights of teachers. Among other demands, they ask for safe classrooms, a school reintegration plan, school textbooks and breakfasts, and more budget for education.

The Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie) and transporters will not participate in Thursday’s protests.

The leader of the Conaie, Leonidas Iza, explained that they support the protests and that they will not intervene in the current ones because the mobilization of their members requires more preparation time. He assured that the platform is preparing to give a sustained response to the Government for this and other measures.

In the case of transporters, the Government previously met with sectors of that activity and offered them a monetary compensation bonus.

The increase in the price of Extra and Ecopaís gasoline has been in effect since June 28. These prices went from 2.46 dollars/gallon to 2.72 dollars/gallon. According to the Government, the measure is necessary to prevent smuggling and save 400 million dollars.

This increase is not fixed, as it changes on the 12th of each month, depending on the international oil price. The measure applies to citizens, but it is known that large companies are exempt from taxes or pay ridiculous amounts for basic services such as electricity.

By: teleSUR

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