Ecuadorian products with Denomination of Origin receive endorsement from the United Kingdom

by times news cr

2024-09-01 20:07:18

As a result of the efforts made by Ecuador, the Government of the United Kingdom has announced the recognition of the Ecuadorian Denominations of Origin (DO) corresponding to Lojano Origin Coffee, Galapagos Coffee, Transkutukú Peanuts and Palora Amazonian Pitahaya.

This achievement certifies the exceptional characteristics of our local production and especially benefits small producers from Loja, Galápagos, Morona Santiago and Pastaza, who will now be able to position their products more easily in the competitive British market.

A Designation of Origin is the name of a specific geographical location, used to designate a product originating in that area and whose quality, reputation or other characteristics are due exclusively or essentially to the geographical environment in which it is produced, including natural and human factors.

DOs have a prominent place in international trade and are regulated by internal legislation worldwide, as they are a type of Intellectual Property Right. This certification guarantees the quality and authenticity of the product, something highly valued in demanding markets such as the United Kingdom, where DO products are perceived as exclusive and of high quality. This will allow Ecuadorian producers to obtain better prices for their products.

In addition, DO products have an easier time entering premium distribution channels, high-end supermarkets and specialty stores. This certification can increase demand and exports of Ecuadorian products to the United Kingdom.

Currently, seven Ecuadorian products have been recognized as Denomination of Origin: the four products now recognized by the United Kingdom, in addition to Miske, Sombrero de Montecristi and Cacao Arriba.

This represents a significant advance for Ecuador, reflecting the quality and authenticity of our products and opening new opportunities in international markets.

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