EDF “will not pass” the year, if the government maintains its tariff shield as it is, alerts the CSE of the group

by time news

He condemns the executive’s decision to force EDF to sell more electricity at low prices to its competitors.

Heavily indebted, EDF does notwill not make it past the end of the yearIf the government maintains the measures put in place as part of its tariff shield to contain the rise in household bills, according to EDF’s central CSE (CSEC), which presented alternative avenues on Wednesday.

SEE ALSO – EDF: the State will participate in the recapitalization with “more than two billion euros”

«EDF has been plunged into the red on purpose by the power in place in recent months“, accused Wednesday Philippe Page Le Mérour, secretary of the CSEC, who presented the conclusions of the procedure of law of economic alert initiated at the beginning of the year, after the announcement of government measures involving the contribution of the group to contain the electricity bill of French households and businesses.

In the crosshairs of the CSEC: the government’s decision to force EDF to sell more electricity at low prices to its competitors to protect the purchasing power of the French, by raising the ceiling of the Arenh, or “Regulated access to historical nuclear electricity» from 100 to 120 TWh of electricity sold at reduced prices to its competitors.

A suspension of the Arenh claimed

Let this d’EDF «at the end of last year was at 42 billion euros, government measures push the debt beyond 50 billion euros, probably around 60 billion euros at the end of 2022, or even more. beyond if other government measures were to follow the recommendations of the CRE (Energy Regulation Commission)“Said the secretary of the CSEC, relying on the work of an expert firm appointed for the occasion. “When you want to kill your dog, you say he has rabies and there, rabies has been forcibly inoculated by the government“, he thundered, suspecting the government of deliberately letting the financial situation of the company deteriorate in order to renationalise it temporarily, and to prepare for its dismantling.

In its resolution, voted unanimously on Tuesday by the representative trade union organizations during an extraordinary session of the CSEC, the latter proposes two measures which, according to him, will protect purchasing power and curb inflation while preserving health. company’s financial situation: suspend the Arenh andcalculate the prices according to the French production mix, i.e. to leave the marriage with the European market” who “requires tariffs to be set according to the fossil fuels used in Europe“, according to his secretary.

These conclusions must be presented on June 29 during an EDF board of directors, which will have one month to provide “reasoned answersto these proposals.

SEE ALSO – “Very worried”, around 200 EDF employees demonstrate in front of the Gravelines nuclear site

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