Édouard Philippe will participate in the EELV summer days

by time news

2023-06-27 05:01:11

It is a poster that is likely to make people talk. Édouard Philippe will participate in the Summer Days of Ecologists (JDE), which are held from August 24 to 26 in… Havre (Seine-Maritime), the city of which he is mayor. If the theme and the format have not yet been set, the principle of an intervention by the former host of Matignon has been recorded, according to our information. This participation will take place a few days before the release of a test in preparation and before the parliamentary days of his movement, Horizons, in Angers (Maine-et-Loire).

Édouard Philippe will probably not be the only figure from another political family to participate in the debates and round tables. Indeed, the ecologists want this year to ballast their program with external guests.

Like what the Insoumis do with their “Amfis”, the summer universities held in Valence. Last year, several figures made the trip, such as ministers Olivia Grégoire, Marlène Schiappa, Clément Beaune or, on the LR side, Rachida Dati. The latter had even aroused a certain boiling in the sphere of the Insoumis militants, some not hesitating to travel several hundred kilometers to witness the “fight” with the deputy LFI Ugo Bernalicis.

In 2020, environmentalists had already achieved a similar coup by organizing, during their summer universities, a debate between Julien Bayou, then number one, and Éric Dupond-Moretti, the Minister of Justice.

A fine swordsman, Édouard Philippe promises a raised debate to ecologists in search of affirmation. Especially since the mayor of Le Havre recently beefed up his speech on immigration in an interview with L’Express, contrary to the positions defended by environmentalists. In it, he denounces a “fait accompli immigration” and recommends in particular to review the 1968 agreement, which facilitates the conditions of entry and stay of Algerian nationals on French territory. Enough to promise a lively game.

#Édouard #Philippe #participate #EELV #summer #days

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