Eduardo Bolsonaro, having dinner with the Argentine right | Leaders of the PRO and Libertad Avanza toasted with the son of the Brazilian president

by time news

Several leaders of PRO and libertarians They dined this Thursday night in the city of Buenos Aires with the Brazilian deputy Eduardo Bolsonaroson of the president of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro, in a meeting in which the ballot was discussed on October 30 in that country and the electoral setup of the right in Argentina.

With a typical asado in a renowned restaurant in Puerto Madero, the federal deputy from the state of San Pablo was entertained by national deputies and leaders of Together for Change and Freedom Advance, although the absence of the main referents of these sectors was highlighted: the president of the PRO, Patricia Bullrich; the deputy and liberal economist Javier Milei; and the national legislator José Luis Espert.

Among the Argentine diners stood out the Peronist auditor of Together for Change, Miguel Angel Picketto; the Buenos Aires leader Joaquin de la Torre (PRO); the national deputies of JxC Francis Sanchez y Dina Rezinovsky; the National Deputy for the province of Buenos Aires for Avanza Libertad, Carolina Píparo; the libertarian deputy Ramiro Marra; and the Buenos Aires legislator of that space, Nahuel Sotelo; among others.

The former vice-presidential candidate, in formula with Mauricio Macri, Pichetto remarked that values ​​of capitalism and freedom were shared at the meeting. “I hope that on the 31st Jair Bolsonaro triumphs. This is what I told Eduardo Bolsonaro in a productive meeting last night with several leaders with whom we share the values ​​of capitalism and freedom. I visited Jair Bolsonaro in 2019 and it would be good if he continues to govern Brazil,” tweeted the Peronist auditor who He was confused on the date of the elections since they are on Sunday, October 30.

On his Twitter account, Píparo also she was pleased with the visit of her right-wing ally. “How good to hear people with so much courage and convictions to continue fighting the battles that our region needs.” In this context, he added: “The best for you, Bolsonaro”, along with a photo of both taken this Thursday. In response to the message, Eduardo Bolsonaro said: “Thank you Carolina. Good luck to all of us Latin Americans.”

Another of those who uploaded his photo to social networks with the son of the Brazilian president was Marra, who stated: “The left trembles”. Meanwhile, deputy Rezinovsky considered: “A pleasure to have the opportunity to chat with deputy Bolsonaro and learn about the current situation in Brazil prior to the ballot on October 30. Thank you for the speech!”.

Also, the deputy Sánchez published: “In Brazil they run the risk that Lula wins and leads them to the state of misery that Kirchnerism brought us. All our support for Eduardo, his father Jair and his great people”. The Neuquén legislator said that they met with Bolsonaro at the invitation of political consultant Fernando Cerimedo. For his part, deputy Sotelo wrote: “With the great Bolsonaro, talking to him, I can’t stop thinking about… How easy they have it in Brazil!”

Joaquín de la torre, who also participated in the dinner, He took Bolsonaro to tour the Buenos Aires suburbs. “Today I toured the suburbs with Eduardo Bolsonaro, he asked me to see first-hand the disasters that Kirchnerism caused. Meanwhile, in Brazil today the economy grows more than China’s and has less inflation than Germany,” tweeted the right-winger, who also assured on his twitter that the Day of Respect for Cultural Diversity, celebrated this Wednesday, October 12, it is actually the “Día de la Hispanidad”.

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