Education.-A student from La Línea, among the three from Cádiz who obtain silver medals in the FP Olympics

by time news

2023-10-28 04:08:18


A total of three students from the province of Cádiz, one of them from Virgen de la Esperanza in La Línea de la Concepción, have obtained silver medals in the VII AndalucíaSkills Vocational Training Championship, known as the FP Olympics held in the IES La Rosaleda de Málaga between October 24 and 27. The Minister of Educational Development and Vocational Training, Patricia del Pozo, has awarded the medals to these students who have demonstrated during the competition their technical and practical skills acquired in their studies.

Specifically, the student from Virgen de la Esperanza de La Línea who took the silver is Daniel Vivas Fernández, in the Refrigeration modality. Along with Daniel, two other students from the province of the Manuel Lora Tamayo centers in Jerez de la Frontera and Las Salinas de San Fernando have won medals, who have participated in the specialties of CAD Mechanical Design and Auxiliary Care and Health Care, respectively. The Cádiz representation, made up of 20 students and accompanied by 20 teacher tutors and an expert teacher, have competed in a total of 15 disciplines, as stated by the Board in a statement.

The counselor congratulated the participating students and, especially, the winners for the level of their work and professionalism. She has also made special mention of the teachers for their commitment to these teachings. “Your work is key to the progress of Andalusia, to the well-being of our society and to the future of the young people who, rightly, have chosen this educational path,” she stressed.

In his speech, Del Pozo highlighted that this competition has shown “the potential, talent and innovation of Andalusian Vocational Training, its high level of training, its connection with companies and its permeability with the world of work.” Furthermore, he has stated that one of the objectives of these Olympics was “to bring FP to the streets and so that citizens can value it in its true dimension and potential.”

The winners of the championship will participate in the national Olympics ‘Spainskills 2024’, which will be held in Madrid. After the meeting in the capital, the young finalists will successively participate in Euroskills and Worldskills, events that are also held every two years and which bring together Vocational Training students who have best demonstrated their professional skills in the national championships of their respective countries. VII FP CHAMPIONSHIP

The biennial meeting, organized by the Ministry of Educational Development and Vocational Training, has the objective of, in addition to giving visibility to FP, to become a meeting place for businessmen, universities, teachers and experts to enhance relations between educational system and the business fabric. AndalucíaSkills constitutes a means to stimulate students, teachers and companies. It is also an exchange platform and a debate forum on the evolution of professional standards, quality and innovation in different productive sectors.

The Regional FP Championship is organized as a competition where the skills and abilities of the candidates are tested in a total of 27 professional specialties. The tests that the participants must successively solve are presented as real situations that can occur within a professional environment.

In this edition, 159 students from 84 educational centers supported by public funds from the eight Andalusian provinces participated, who were accompanied by 149 teacher tutors and 27 expert teachers. There has also been the collaboration of students from different professional families such as the IES El Tablero in Córdoba, which has been in charge of the signage and labeling. In total, there are 400 people involved in this autonomous phase and with a daily influx of about 1,000 visits.

The professional specialties in which they compete are: Automobile Technology, Automobile Painting, CAD Mechanical Design, Plumbing and Heating, Electrical Installations, Cabinetry, Carpentry, Landscape Gardening, Refrigeration, Mechatronics, CNC Turning and Milling, Welding, Electronics, Industrial Control , Mobile Robotics, Web Development, IT Network Systems Administration, Floristry, Fashion Technology, Window Dressing and Visual Merchandising, Hairdressing, Aesthetics, Cooking, Restaurant and Bar Service, Auxiliary Nursing Care and Social Health Care, Bakery-Pastry and Hotel reception.

Likewise, the Department of Educational Development and Vocational Training has had the collaboration of almost 90 companies from different productive sectors that have provided high-quality technical material, such as micrometers to measure the thickness of the paint impregnated on automobiles, gloss meters, a baking oven. latest generation for the Bakery discipline or vehicles with which the Automotive Technology tests are carried out.

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