Education is still not a priority issue, claims Mexicanos Primero

by times news cr

2024-04-29 00:24:38

Basic needs in the country’s public schools such as water, electricity, sinks and bathrooms are still not guaranteed, said the organization Mexicanos Primero.

In a statement, he indicated that to guarantee coverage of these conditions in preschool, primary, secondary and upper secondary schools means an investment of 51,932 million pesos.

This amount, he maintained, is equivalent to 15.6% of the total cost of the cancellation of the New Mexico City International Airport (NAIM), 1% of the estimated budget at the end of 2024 for the Mayan Train, or 5% of the budget of the defunct Institute National Health for Wellbeing (INSABI) of 2023.

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According to an estimate by Mexicanos Primero, with this investment, infrastructure could be brought to the 50,996 schools that do not have independent bathrooms, 25 ml 890 that lack electricity, 54 ml 662 that lack drinking water and 42 ml 474 without sinks.

In addition, he added, maintenance could be provided for a year to the total of 205,766 public schools in the country, which would have a cost of 46,552 million pesos, while to build ramps and handrails adapted for students with disabilities, it would be necessary 157 thousand 617 million additional pesos.

“For each school to have at least one computer room and furniture, 165,700 million pesos are needed, and an annual investment of 1,325 million pesos would be required for internet service and satellite equipment for rural areas.

“All this, which means the minimum in schools, adds up to 273,080 million pesos, which is equivalent to 0.8% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP),” explained Mexicanos Primero.

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He requested that before any other campaign promise, such as those made by the candidates and the presidential candidate, such as schools with extended hours, new high schools and universities, it is essential to resolve a gap that affects the well-being of minors and the development of their learnings.

He stated that the budget authorized in 2024 for the federal program “The School is Ours” was 27,052 million pesos, but the Superior Audit of the Federation (ASF) has made observations of uncontrolled expenses and there is no evidence of improvements. in the benefited schools.

“The School is Ours,” he considered, does not have a diagnosis of the conditions of the school infrastructure, since since the disappearance of the National Institute of Educational Physical Infrastructure, these functions were no longer attended to.

The civil organization recalled that according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), while member countries invest on average 5.1% of their GDP in education, Mexico only allocates 4.5%, which places the country as one of the Member States that invest the least resources in the sector.

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“The school goes beyond simply being a physical space where knowledge is transmitted, it is a dynamic environment that fosters the cognitive, emotional and social growth of students, in which the quality of the educational infrastructure has an indisputable impact on learning. of the students.

“The analysis of investment for public schools is not only a matter of budget, but also of political and social priorities,” stated Mexicanos Primero.

For this reason, he emphasized, educational policies are needed that guarantee the right to quality education with a perspective of inclusion, equity and gender equality so that students exercise their right to learn, especially those who are in a situation of seniority. social backwardness.

2024-04-29 00:24:38

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