Education plans to open a line for one-year-old children at the Cieza school next year

by time news

The Ministry of Education and Vocational Training and the Cieza City Council are studying the possibility of opening an educational line for one-year-old children next year at the Villayuso public Infant and Primary school. This was announced by the counselor, Marina Lombó, and the acting mayor, Luis Herrara, in a visit to the facilities in which they were accompanied by the director of Educational Centers, Jesús Oria, and the director of the school, Teresa Navarro.

Throughout the legislature, the Ministry and the City Council have undertaken various rehabilitation and conditioning works in that school for an amount of more than 54,000 euros, actions that are part of the project to improve and modernize educational centers throughout the region.

The counselor verified the latest actions on the spot, which have made it possible to replace the floor slab of the two-year-old classroom, which has been greatly affected by humidity, some work that has involved an investment of 22,550 euros, of which 18,636 have been paid for by the regional executive.

In addition, a second agreement between both administrations has enabled a joint investment of 27,500 euros aimed at eliminating humidity on the north and west façades of the building, a perimeter plinth has been created and the access boarding to a classroom has been replaced, in addition to construction of a ramp.

They all checked the state of the facilities of a center that has a total of 14 students, between two and five years old, and three professionals.

Lombó spoke of “small actions that, however, constitute a clear improvement in the day-to-day life of the educational community.” The counselor also stressed that the collaboration between City Councils and the Government through the signing of agreements is a “more agile and effective” formula for this type of intervention.

In his opinion, schools like the one in Cieza fulfill an “essential” function in the rural world, allowing the youngest to attend school in the municipality itself. He also underlined the involvement of the school’s educational team, which participates in the ‘We’re counting on you’ educational innovation project and has a guidance counselor and school transport service.

Luis Herrera pointed out that «this type of investment would be impossible to undertake solely with the municipal budget, »works that have improved the school to the satisfaction of the teachers, children and families who trust this school«. »The announcement of an educational line for one-year-olds is great news for this valley,« he finished.

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