Edward Spitz’s solo exhibition will be exhibited at Arte in Nuvola

by time news

2023-11-21 18:14:51

Time.news – A new solo exhibition by Edward Spitz, thefaceless artistwhich breaks the narrative scheme of the comic and transforms it into a work of art: after the great success of the September exhibition in Turin curated by Ermanno Tedeschi, the artist’s works move to Rome at the Arte in Nuvola fair, the of modern and contemporary art of the Capital from 24 to 26 November (Arthotel – Stand E17 – level 0).

Roma Arte in Nuvola offers a high-profile artistic-cultural proposal that represents all disciplines, from painting to installationsfrom sculpture to performances, from video art to digital art, to street art, bringing together the most important and renowned Italian and international galleries and presenting numerous special projects: exhibitions, installations and performances.

An explosion of colours, irreverent figures and provocative social denunciations hidden under a veil of irony: these are the ingredients of Edward Spitz’s exhibition. The contemporary artist addresses social issues through artistic expressions with a strong decorative impact: Spitz has the ability to expertly blend the pages of original vintage comics, which he uses to create the background, and superimposes hand-painted “icons” and then “sealed” by a thick layer of resin not before giving it voice by expressing through them the paradoxes of current mass society but its genius lies in the fact that this veiled social denunciation is in perfect harmony with the character represented.

“Edward Spitz – explains the critic Ermanno Tedeschi – understood the artistic value of comic book: behind the use of the stripes as a basis for the acrylic and resin painting of the different characters, there is a profound study of a psychological and social nature that makes his works cheerful and at the same time dramatic, as in the representation of Scrooge McDuck or in the one of baby mousecompleted by writings of extreme wisdom or cutting irony”.

Edward Spitz is an artist who speaks little about himself, his own identity is in fact unknown, and prefers his paintings to do the talking. We know that he is the artist of comics, of which he is also an irreverent collector. He, of course, is an avid reader of strips: Mickey Mouse, Popeye, Linus and Superman. The classics. His works are exhibited in various public and private places in Italy and abroad. He participates in collective and personal exhibitions, the first debut in Tel Aviv in 2018 with the exhibition “Unforgettable Childhood Unforgettable Childhood”, to continue between Rome, Matera, in 2019, the year in which the city was the European capital of culture, with “When the mouse was Micky it was all more real”. Last, but only in order of time, the participation in the collective exhibition “Giocare a Regola d’Arte”, set up in June – August 2023 in Tokyo at the Italian Cultural Institute, in collaboration with the Italian Embassy in Japan.

The artist has made those aspects that belong to the world of comics culture his own, thus developing an apparently simple and immediate art form with a strong decorative impact which has undoubtedly contributed to his meteoric success but which hides from a more careful analysis , like any self-respecting comic, a profound study of psychological and social character that makes his works cheerful but never superficial.

Edward Spitz carries out further technical and visual research by choosing to personalize each single work with the coherent representation of a different character each time. A protagonist who belongs to mass popular culture borrowed from the comics universe and of whom everyone, regardless of any status or age, has a visual memory.

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#Edward #Spitzs #solo #exhibition #exhibited #Arte #Nuvola

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