2024-08-24 23:17:35
It is said that yoga has a cure for every problem and this is true to a large extent. We resort to yoga after using lakhs of treatments and hair growth products. But if we choose it in the beginning, half the problem will be solved here.
Therefore, today we are going to tell you about 3 effective yogasanas for slow and stopped growth of your hair, by doing which your body will be stretched and hair growth will also start increasing. You can do these yogasanas anytime in the morning or evening and take advantage of them.
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Adho Mukha Svanasana, also known as Downward-Facing Dog in English, is a very effective yoga posture that contributes to hair growth. In this posture, our head is downwards, which increases blood circulation in the whole body and especially its flow increases in the head. Which is important for hair growth. Let’s know how to do it-
How to do Adho Mukha Svanasana
- First of all, sit like a horse on your knees and hands.
- After this, lift your hips upward and come into an inverted V shape position.
- In this position the head should be down, hips up and the entire weight of the body should be on the hands and feet.
- Hold this position for 30 seconds and relax the body for 30 seconds.
- Similarly, do 5 sets of 30-30 seconds in your 5 minutes.
Uttanasana is also a yogasana that increases hair growth and the method of doing it is very easy. It helps in increasing blood circulation in the scalp. To do this, you have to follow some steps such as-
How to do Uttanasana
- First, take a deep breath and extend your arms upwards.
- After this, exhale and slowly bend forward.
- Keep your back straight and try to touch your feet with your hands.
- Now stay in this position for 30 seconds and then stand back in the normal position.
- Similarly, do 5 sets of 30-30 seconds and take a break of 30-30 seconds and do it for 5 minutes.
Sarvangasana works to increase blood circulation in the upper part of our body, which strengthens the hair roots and also increases hair growth. Along with this, this yogasana also reduces hair fall.
How to do Sarvangasana
- First, lie down on the yoga mat and then bend your knees and pull your legs towards your chest.
- After this, slowly raise your legs while supporting your waist with your hands.
- Now slowly stand your legs straight upward.
- Stay in this position for 30 seconds and breathe.
- Then slowly fold your legs and bring them down, straighten your back and lie down for 30 seconds.
- Do this 5 times with 30 seconds of pose and 30 seconds of rest.