Egg donation, what is it and what does this technique consist of?

by time news

2023-06-29 04:00:58

In Mexico, around 80,000 assisted human reproduction procedures are carried out each year.
Nationwide there are approximately 1.5 million people facing difficulties conceiving.
This technique offers a success rate of between 75% and 82% to fulfill the dream of having a baby.

Being a mother is the desire of many women and although some achieve it, there are also others who cannot achieve it. Before falling into depression it is necessary to analyze all the available options. At present, thanks to the development of technology, there are little-known alternatives such as egg donationbut do you know how it works and what kind of people it works for?

The journey to motherhood is an intimate and transcendental choice in a woman’s life. Changes in lifestyle have postponed the desire to be a mother, whether due to work, social, economic reasons or fertility difficulties.

In the case of people facing difficulties conceiving in Mexico, it is encouraging to know that there are alternative fertility treatments that offer them hope and the possibility of fulfilling their dream of having a baby.

According to the statistics provided by the National Population Council (CONAPO) It is estimated that approximately 1.5 million people in Mexico face difficulties conceiving. Within this group, about 17 percent correspond to women of childbearing age.

The egg donation It has become a valuable and hopeful option for many couples who want to start a family in Mexico. This assisted reproductive technique offers new possibilities to those women who cannot conceive using their own eggs.

He Dr. Francisco Javier Anayageneral director of the Vefértil Human Reproduction Center mentions that it is a valuable option within the vast range of technological advances offered by assisted reproduction methods, making it possible to offer effective and hopeful solutions to those couples who want to have a baby and have faced difficulties in the process. conception process.

What is egg donation?

It is a procedure of assisted reproduction in which eggs donated by a woman are used to fertilize them with the sperm of the father or a donor. The resulting embryos are transferred to the uterus of the recipient woman, giving her the opportunity to become pregnant and become a mother.

How is the proccess?

The process of egg donation involves several stages. First, the egg donor is selected and evaluated according to the established criteria (age, general state of health, quality of her eggs). Then, both the donor and the recipient woman receive hormonal treatments to synchronize their menstrual cycles.

The donor undergoes an ovarian stimulation process to produce multiple eggs, which are recovered through a brief surgical intervention. The eggs are fertilized in the laboratory and the resulting embryos are transferred to the uterus of the recipient woman, who will continue with the medical follow-up to confirm the pregnancy.

Myths and realities

There are some myths about the egg donationsuch as pain during the procedure. However, the process is done under anesthesia and should not cause significant pain. In addition, it is important to note that specialized egg donation clinics follow strict quality and safety standards, providing a reliable and professional environment for patients.

Profile to be an egg donor

Egg donors must meet certain requirements established by the clinics, generally looking for young, healthy women with no history of genetic or hereditary diseases. In addition, it is considered important that the donors have a good ovarian reserve and are physically fit for the ovarian stimulation process.

Patients in Mexico who undergo this treatment

Although there is no official record of people who undergo the process of egg donation and other assisted reproduction techniques in Mexico, the The Senate of the Republic estimates that around 80,000 assisted human reproduction procedures are carried out each year.

Egg donation has proven to be an effective and viable option for couples and women facing infertility problems in Mexico. Through this assisted reproduction procedure, the barriers and difficulties that prevent conceiving using one’s own eggs can be overcome. This technique offers a success rate of between 75 and 82% the possibility of fulfilling the dream of having a baby.

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