Ehud Barak’s 2020 Video Exposes Plan for Civil Unrest and Political Manipulation: Likud Response

by time news

The Likud party has launched a scathing attack on former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak after a video from 2020 was leaked online. In the video, Barak is seen discussing plans with protest leaders to launch demonstrations against current Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Mary Tziri.

The Likud party accused Barak of promoting a plan to “collapse Israeli society” through civil uprisings and dividing different groups within the country. They claimed that Barak’s ultimate goal was to regain the position of Prime Minister that he had previously been dismissed from by the citizens of Israel.

The leaked video has sparked controversy and further fueled the already tense political climate in Israel. It reveals discussions about the tactics and strategies that were planned by protest leaders as far back as 2020. The video includes calls for civil riots and the refusal to follow orders, as well as the desire to have a woman lead the protest.

In a particularly alarming moment captured in the video, Barak suggests that if Netanyahu were to step down, he would likely be called upon to become Prime Minister again. He mentions a conversation with a historian friend who told him that as soon as the Nahal Yarakon, a river in Israel, was filled with bodies, it would be Barak’s turn to take control. He clarifies that these bodies would be Jewish, illustrating a shocking scenario of Jews killing Jews.

The leaked video has raised questions about the intentions and motives of the protest leaders, as well as the potential consequences of their planned actions. It also brings into focus the ongoing power struggle within Israeli politics and the deep divisions that exist within the country.

As the controversy continues to unfold, it remains to be seen how this revelation will impact the political landscape in Israel and the upcoming elections. One thing is certain – the leaked video has sparked a heated debate and added another layer of complexity to an already volatile situation.

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