Eichstätt: Donations for East Africa | Radio IN

by time news

Donations for the victims of the food crisis in East Africa: the Caritas association in the Diocese of Eichstätt is calling for this together with other aid organizations. One should not abandon the needy people there, said the Eichstätt Caritas director Alfred Frank. Drought and the effects of the Ukraine war are the triggers for the hunger crisis. According to the World Food Program, more than 80 million people in East Africa are currently suffering from hunger, around 30 million more than in the previous year.

Donations can be made with the keyword “Hunger in East Africa”. In order to issue donation receipts, you are asked to provide your name and full address on the transfer slip. Accounts of the Eichstätt Caritas Association: Liga ( IBAN DE94 7509 0300 0107 6173 13 ), Sparkasse Ingolstadt Eichstätt ( IBAN DE54 7215 0000 0018 0100 33), Volksbank Raiffeisenbank Bayern Mitte eG ( IBAN DE66 7216 0818 0009 6010 07). Donations can also be made online at http://www.caritas-eichstaett.de/online-spende.

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