Eil Golan: “I felt that I could not stand on my feet”

by time news

Eyal Golan commented this morning (Tuesday) on the cancellation of his appearance last night at the Tel Aviv port after he fainted and felt ill. “I’ll start by saying that I’m fine, thank God,” Golan wrote today in a post he published on his official Instagram account.

“About two weeks ago I underwent a surgical operation from which the recovery process is more difficult than I thought,” he continued. “When the concerts came this week I felt that I simply could not disappoint you, with all my pain I knew how much you were waiting for it, especially in this period we are all in and I decided not to cancel the concerts and do my best to sing for you. Yesterday during the second concert the pain just subdued me and I felt that I can’t stand on my feet.”

“So first of all I want to apologize from the bottom of my heart to everyone who bought tickets, drove through traffic jams and was disappointed that the show was stopped, this is the last thing I wanted to happen,” he added. “That’s why I assure you that everyone who bought a ticket, we will recreate this evening in the most amazing way possible, the ticket buyers will receive a notification in the coming days.”

Singer Eyal Golan’s performance at Hangar 11 in Tel Aviv was stopped last night after about an hour after he did not feel well. The Magen David Adom team that arrived at the scene gave medical treatment to the singer backstage. The ticket buyers for the show will receive an additional compensation show on a new date.

At the concert held yesterday at Hangar 11, he told the audience that he was not feeling well, but he would do everything to not disappoint them – and indeed he held the show as planned and hosted the singer Dodo Aharon. As mentioned, this evening during his performance he felt that he was unable to continue the show and after about an hour he stopped it.

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