Ein HaHoresh, Ram-On and Givat Yoav

by time news

Ministry of Agriculture: In the 3 new centers about 90,000 turkeys; The centers have been isolated and active monitoring of additional farms in the area is being carried out, in addition to the continued activity at the Influence Center in the laying industry in Moshav Margaliot. This is a rolling and ongoing event in light of the estimates that additional hotspots will be revealed ► Minister of Agriculture Mr. Oded Forer; “We need to bring the chicken coops to a state of high biological safety, so as not to be in such a rolling and ongoing event next year as well.”

The bird flu in ‘turkeys’ in Israel is expanding and is very alarming when today (Monday, 23 Tevet 5732) it was announced that three more bird flu hotspots in chicken coops in Kibbutz Ein Hahoresh in the Emek Hefer Regional Council and in the moshavim; Ram On in the Gilboa and Givat Yoav Regional Council, located in the southern Golan Heights.

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Veterinary services bMinistry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Operate according to Emergency procedure, In view of expansion Centers of avian influenza BNorth of the country; In the three new centers as90,000 turkeys; The focal points Isolated And active monitoring of additional farms in the area; This is in addition to the continuation of the activity inFocus of influence BThe laying industry BSeat Margaliot.

People Ministry of Agriculture, Emphasize in their response that in3 The new centers as90,000 turkeys; The foci were isolated and carried out Active monitoring Of additional farms in the area in addition to the continued activity at the Influence Center bThe throwing industry In Moshav Margaliot.

Minister of Agriculture Mr Oded Forer; “We need to bring theCoops In the country Israel To the state of Biological safety High so as not to be in such a rolling and ongoing event next year as well. ”

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Updates on three Bursts of eruption More of Avian flu BNorth of the country;

  • First focus; Kibbutz Ein HaHoresh SitEmek Hefer Regional Council, Located as31 thousand turkeys ToInfected fattening In the deadly virus topoultry;
  • Second focus, this is about19 India practices ToFattening Infected bRam Onon seat SitGilboa Regional Council BToo bad you will next to Afula.
  • Third focus, identified as38 thousand turkeys ToInfected fattening BMoshav Givat Yoav BGolan Regional Council.

Veterinary services Working in recent days bEmergency format, The other three focal points Isolated And continues Active monitoring Throughout the region, in order to eradicate the disease and prevent its further spread.

Avian Influenza; it’s aboutAvian flu MStrain H5N1, Which may cause bLow risk Tomorbidity In humans.

As is well known, at this time of year, hundreds of thousands poultry Embryos inIsrael On their way toAfrica. The presence of poultry During the migration period increases thedanger ToTransmission of diseases Variance, and in particular; Avian Influenza.

from this, Ministry of Agriculture Q.In and warns, that on all Poultry and bird breeders, To fill another Veterinary Services Guidelines, And prevent Roaming of birds Bopen areas.

All cases of abnormal avian morbidity and mortality should be reported immediately to the attending veterinarian, the official veterinarian and the veterinary services of the Ministry of Agriculture. In any case, do not dispose of poultry carcasses in an unregulated manner.

Inspectors of the Ministry of Agriculture

On behalf of a spokesperson Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Headed by Ms. Daphne Yurista, Ms. added Lipz de Groot locate This is Israel | It’s nice here | The State’s Oldest Local News Site Because as in previous cases this year, this case is also aboutAvian flu MStrain H5N1, Which may cause bLow risk Tomorbidity In humans.

Ministry of Agriculture Reminds the public Be careful On Consumption of chicken and egg products only after cooking, Since treatment bhigh temperature (Cooking, baking, frying) Destroyer You All bacteria andThe viruses Bpoultry. In the office, note That recommendation This is valid in the routine, and now even more so.

Since the outbreak Avian Influenza among Wild birds BAgamon Hula, GodVeterinary services Specials Active monitoring Of farms and farms in the area enorth The whole. Meanwhile, the current centers in the kibbutz were identified Ein Horesh And in the kibbutz RM and.

As mentioned, only yesterday posted on Morbidity center Added next toSeat Margaliot, With approx.320,000 laying hens. This, in addition, to previous centers; Margaliot, Neot Golan, Agmon Hahula, Kfar Baruch, Kibbutz Ein Tzurim, Avigdor, Maayan Zvi and Nahalal.

As of today, Ministry of Agriculture Director Front command room (Hefak) bAgamon Hula, In order to generalize the activities of all factors The government Relevant operating in place, and assist toNature and Parks Authority AndKKL Manage the Illness event The exception in the battle Wild birds In the area.

Since March 2006, So coincidences were discovered Avian flu BKibbutz Holit andThe eye of the three In the south of the country and inMoshav Sde Moshe SitToo bad Lachish, Coincidences are revealed the flu Almost every year.

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