El Corte Inglés offers for changes in conditions 20 days per year worked and a maximum of 12 monthly payments

by time news

He job adjustment in progress El Corte Inglés advances to the rhythm of the aggressive negotiation with the syndicates. Behind the fourth formal meeting with the inter-centre committee, the rearrangement plan is drawn with meeting points conditional on a global agreement. Specifically, the address of The English Court it is willing to accept “acceptable” conditions, according to union sources, in the event of a substantial modification of the job position of the affected employees. Among the proposals that the management would accept would be the compensation of 20 days per year worked with a maximum of 12 monthly payments (for modification of working conditions), plus the elimination of geographical mobility, the choice of working hours in the post of destination, the guarantee of vacations and overtime completed in 2023 and the incorporation as of July 1 in the new destination for people with legal guardianship.

In the case of incentivized terminations, the positions are somewhat further away, but they start from partial pre-agreements such as the acceptance of payment of the special Social Security agreement up to 63 years of age. It remains to negotiate the number of people who could take advantage of these incentivized redundancies for people over 59 years of age and the payments to be received and the reduction of the personnel affected by the file on a mandatory basis. “From the social part, we continue to insist on the maintenance of the complements of the personnel who move to shopping centers, in the face of the company’s proposal that consists of eliminating them,” union sources explained.

Until now, the number of workers who could take advantage of incentivized leave would be around 590, all of them older than 59 years. El Corte Inglés has offered during the negotiation a payment of between 57% and 60% of the fixed salary in incentivized leave among the total of 2,324 workers who will be affected by the restructuring plan

The economic proposal it would entail a payment of 60% of the fixed salary to those workers of 59 years; 59% to those 60 years old; of 58% if they are 61, and, in the case of those with 62 years, they would be paid 57%. To this remuneration it would be necessary to add, as is clear from the proposal, other variable payments, in the form of bonuses or via species. Once the age of 63 is reached, these payments would be extinguished.

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