Elaine LaLanne: The Age-Defying Fitness Inspiration

by time news

Elaine LaLanne, the 97-year-old fitness icon, continues to inspire and motivate others with her daily exercise routines and positive mindset. LaLanne, wife and business partner to late fitness personality Jack LaLanne, has cultivated a following of her own since his passing in 2011.

LaLanne’s morning exercise routine starts before she even gets out of bed. She performs two-dozen jackknifes while lying on top of the covers. At the bathroom sink, she does incline pushups. After dressing up and applying makeup, she heads to her home gym, where she walks uphill on a treadmill for a few minutes and does lat pull-downs on a machine. “Twenty minutes a day gets me on my way,” she said.

But LaLanne believes her biggest feat of strength happens above her shoulders. She reminds herself each morning to “believe you can.” This belief has not only kept her physically active through injuries and emotional obstacles but has also helped her live a life much younger than her age. According to LaLanne, “everything starts in the mind.”

LaLanne’s habit of speaking in aphorisms is a result of her lifetime of inspiring people to move more and better themselves. For nearly six decades, she supported Jack LaLanne as he became the father of the modern fitness movement. Together, they built an empire that included a TV show, fitness gadgets, food products, supplements, and a gym chain with over 100 locations nationwide.

Since Jack’s death, Elaine has continued to run the remaining family business, BeFit Enterprises, and has pursued her own ventures. She has published two books, is developing a documentary and feature film with Mark Wahlberg, and even advises other fitness industry power players on navigating life and business.

LaLanne’s impact on the fitness industry is undeniable. Born in 1926, when exercising was not a common part of Americans’ daily lives, she is a testament to the efficacy of a lifelong exercise habit. She shows the power of choosing how one wants older age to look and feel.

Raised in Minneapolis, Elaine pursued a career in entertainment and eventually became a producer and co-host of a live daily variety show in San Francisco. It was there that she met Jack LaLanne, who would become her husband and partner in promoting healthy living. Elaine adapted his beliefs about exercise and whole foods, transforming herself and becoming an advocate for a healthy lifestyle.

Together, they built a fitness empire, spreading their message through TV shows, lectures, and various products. Elaine played a significant role in the business, managing product development and licensing deals. She also served as a role model for women, showing them that building muscle and prioritizing health were acceptable goals.

The LaLannes’ messages about health and fitness were not without controversy. Early episodes of their shows promoted a thin body ideal and portrayed fat as a problem to be conquered. However, Elaine stands by these messages, stating that they provided viewers with tools and confidence to achieve their goals. She acknowledges that it’s better now to see a diversity of body sizes on TV.

LaLanne’s sunny outlook on life could be mistaken for naivety, but it is the result of overcoming personal hardships. The death of her daughter in a car accident profoundly impacted her, but she chose to focus on the joy her daughter had brought her when she was alive. LaLanne managed her grief by pushing forward and training her brain to focus on the positive aspects of life.

The LaLannes’ greatest legacy may be their contribution to showcasing the value of exercise in relation to aging. Jack’s media stunts on his birthdays, even in his older years, inspired others to stay active. Elaine continued to write books about fitness as she moved through middle age, motivating others to prioritize their health.

Elaine LaLanne continues to inspire and influence the fitness industry. Despite her age, she remains dedicated to her daily exercise routine and maintains a positive mindset. Her impact on promoting healthy living and aging gracefully is a testament to the power of choice and determination.

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