Elderly Amputee in Haifa Fights for Mobility Rights: Ministry of Health Denies Stair Lift Funding

by time news

2024-01-01 06:00:00
Elderly Man Denied Stair Lift Assistance by Ministry of Health

Carmel Barzani, a 67-year-old man from Haifa, found himself in a situation of distress after having both of his legs amputated. Barzani, who was once a socially active person, has been confined to his home and has been unable to leave due to the lack of assistance in navigating stairs. He had requested assistance in financing a stair lift for his wheelchair, known as “Zahleel”, as part of his rehabilitation efforts.

Unfortunately, his request was denied by the Ministry of Health with the claim that there was no evidence of him having an active lifestyle that would require regular use of stairs. This decision left Barzani feeling trapped and isolated in his own home.

The Association for the Rights of the Patient stepped in to represent Barzani in front of the Ministry of Health. Shmulik Ben Yaacov, chairman of the Association for the Rights of the Patient, stressed that the health basket unequivocally defines the right of a housebound person to receive a stair lift in order to maintain social ties, and the Ministry of Health’s decision would essentially confine Barzani to his home until his last day.

Barzani’s daughter, Hodia, expressed the difficult situation her father is in, stating that he used to enjoy visiting family, shopping, and sitting by the sea, but now he cannot leave the house without the assistance of the stair lift. She emphasized the impact it has had on his mental health, with severe depression and ongoing mental health treatment.

In response, the Ministry of Health stated that the appeal would be forwarded to the Appeals Committee for discussion, and that they only participate in funding for stair lifts in exceptional cases. They also cited the State Health Insurance Law as the basis for their decision.

The Patient’s Rights Association is calling on any patient who is encountering difficulties with the health system to reach out for advice and representation, free of charge through the association’s website.

The Barzani family and the Association for the Rights of the Patient will continue to fight for Carmel Barzani’s right to receive the necessary assistance to regain his independence and social life.
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