Elderly Man Arrested for Allegedly Murdering Wife After 25 Years of Deception: Mexico City Femicide Statistics

by time news
Neighbors called the authorities when they heard a commotion in the couple’s house (Photo: Gennaro Natera / CUARTOSCURO.COM)

a man of 83 years Mexico City authorities arrested him this Friday after allegedly murdering his wife deception occurred 25 years ago.

According to what was published by the communicator carlos jimenezThe man known as “C4 Jimenez” was called Caesar “N”He was arguing with his wife, Elsa, 81 years old, before committing the crime. After murdering her, the man left a letter in which he accused his wife of cheating on him for 25 years with a certain Abel.

According to press reports, Caesar “N” He started arguing with his wife over domestic issues; The discussion escalated to such an extent that the man started reminding her of many things including his alleged infidelity. In anger he picked up a knife and attacked her.

Reporter Carlos Jimenez reported about the crime on his X account, and showed the letter the man allegedly left. Credit:

The woman tried to defend herself from some people Scissors, efforts which were in vain; Neighbors called authorities and paramedics, who They were unable to save the woman. But yes on that topic, he was taken to the hospital and arrested for murdering his wife.

The case was handed over Mexico City Attorney General’s OfficeAn instance that has already opened the investigation folder.

According to the Atlas of Femicide, which aims to make transparent the information organized daily in the Prosecutor’s Office through statistical analysis and its cartographic representation with the aim of serving as an open accountability tool for the analysis of femicide violence, 377 women Murders due to gender in Mexico City between January 1, 2019 and February 31, 2024.

in this context, Iztapalapa is the mayor’s office where the highest number of femicides occur, while counting 64; After that Gustavo A. Madero, with 47; and CuauhtĂ©moc, with 42.

Most femicides occurring during this documented period were committed in domestic settings; That is, the largest number of gender-based attacks occurred at the victims’ home, i.e. 171 cases.

According to the Atlas of Femicides, 377 women have been murdered because of gender in Mexico City, file image. EFE/Sashenka Gutierrez

During the year 2023, a total of 53 female murders were recorded, and during the first two months of the year, 14 female murders were committed; Most of these attacks have occurred in the municipalities of Xochimilco and Cuauhtemoc, which each have three cases.

He Femicide Map of CDMX A cartographic tool for accountability and access to information on incidents of the crime of femicide, including period 2019 and 2024 And it expresses some of the main elements of the said violent incidents in which gender factors were identified.

The categories that this geographical representation of our city expresses are: the type of location in which the victims were found, the age group to which they belonged, the year in which the events occurred and the victim-victim relationship. This map considers the socio-territorial and political divisions of our city, which are the offices of the mayor, thus showing the events taking place in them.

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