Election day for local authorities in Marashvan Tashfad 2023: Candidates and lists revealed

by time news

Election day for the local authorities in the city of Marashvan Tashfad has been scheduled for Tuesday, October 31, 2023. A total of 253 local authorities, including 77 municipalities, 123 local councils, and 53 regional councils, will be holding elections. The deadline for candidate registration and the submission of faction lists was last night, closing off the opportunity for any further additions.

Two weeks ago, candidates were no longer allowed to change their address to another city, and one week ago, the final voter register was closed. The total number of eligible voters stands at 7,348,541 people, and the voting age for local elections is 17, compared to 18 for general elections to the Knesset. Additionally, residents who are not citizens are permitted to vote in the local elections, unlike the Knesset elections.

To run for the position of mayor or for the local election committees, candidates must be over 21 years old and registered as residents of their respective local authorities with the Ministry of the Interior.

The Torah Flag Party has submitted numerous lists and candidates across the country in preparation for the upcoming municipal elections. Degal HaTorah, another influential party, has re-sent their representatives in order to maintain their power and influence in the local authorities. Their main focus is on preserving the Jewish character of the communities and providing professional and benevolent service to the residents.

After intense negotiations led by prominent Knesset members, including Moshe Gafni, Uri Makleb, Ya’akov Asher, Yitzhak Pindros, and Eliyahu Baruchi, along with the director of the municipal department, Menachem Shapira, the candidates and lists were finalized.

The candidates and lists competing in various cities include:
– Avraham Deitch, an independent candidate leading the ‘Degal’ marked list in Ofakim.
– Moshe Lerner leading the ‘Believers in the Azor’ list in Azor.
– Deputy Rabbi Avraham Stern heading the independent list in Elad.
– Shlomi Emonim and religious factions running on a joint list in Ashdod.
– Geri Barda leading a unified list of ultra-Orthodox communities in Ashkelon.
– Deputy Rabbi David Zaltz leading the independent list in Beitar Ilit.
– Deputy Rabbi Menachem Shapira leading ‘Degal’ in Bnei Brak.
– All religious communities running in a unified list ‘Good for Bat Yam’ in Bat Yam.
– ‘Gesher’ list led by Deputy Mayor Shimon Tobol in Beer Sheva.
– A united list ‘Hanuch Laner’ led by Pinchas Badosh in Beit Shean.
– Shmuel Greenberg running as an independent candidate for mayor in Beit Shemesh.

Similar candidacies and lists can be found in other cities such as Haifa, Jerusalem, Lod, Ma’ale Adumim, Petah Tikva, Rishon Lezion, Safed, Tiberias, and many more.

With elections just around the corner, the hope is for a fair and democratic process that will allow citizens to decide the future leadership of their local authorities.

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