Elections 2022 – Mandates poll: Did the Smotrich tapes hurt religious Zionism?

by time news

Eight days to the election: Voter’s Day, November 1st is approaching, and the campaigns are already in full swing. According to a poll of mandates by “News 12” and Mano Geva published this evening (Monday), the race to 61 continues, but the Netanyahu bloc continues not to reach the goal. According to the survey, the bloc that makes up the right-wing parties wins 60 mandates against 56 for the parties that make up the current government. Hadash-Ta’al receives 4 mandates.

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Likud receives 32 mandates compared to Yesh Atid which receives 24. They are followed on the list by: the religious Zionism Otzma Yehudit and the state camp with 13 mandates each, Shas with eight mandates, Torah Judaism with seven, Havoda, Meretz and Israel Beitenu with five mandates, Ra’am four mandates, while Balad, the Jewish Home, Young People on Fire, the Economic Party, the Economic Freedom Party and a free and democratic Israel do not pass the percentage of blocking.

In addition, the survey looked at what the voting percentages are expected to be in the elections, when 80% of the supporters of the current coalition answered in the affirmative, compared to the supporters of the Netanyahu bloc, 75% of whom said they would go out to vote. A total of 72% in the Jewish sector said they would go to the polls, and 46% in the Arab sector.

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