Elections 2022 – Survey: Netanyahu’s bloc is getting stronger, for the first time Meretz overtakes Labor

by time news

The chairwoman of the Labor Party, Minister of Transportation Merav Michaeli, will arrive tomorrow evening (Saturday) for a tripartite meeting with Prime Minister Yair Lapid and Meretz Chairman Zehava Galon, as she is firm in her position against a union with Meretz. But after she watches the dramatic results of the “Maariv” poll As of today, it is not certain that she will continue to be so determined.

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According to the Panels Politics survey, conducted by Menachem Lazar, for “Maariv-Sophashavu”, if the elections for the 25th Knesset were held today – Labor would have collapsed to only 4 mandates, while the “little sister” Meretz, led by Zehava Galon, passes her by with 5 mandates. In the previous survey, the two parties received 5 mandates each, so Meretz has been consistently on 5 mandates since Galon’s election.

The general picture of the mandates looks like this: Likud, led by Benjamin Netanyahu, who went out this week in a truck with an armored glass cell to visit voters across the country, leads unchanged – with 31 mandates. Yesh Atid, led by Yair Lapid, who seeks to distance himself from Gantz, is gaining strength in its mandate and rising to 25. The third largest party is Jewish Zionism-Otzma Yehudit, led by Smotrich and Ben Gvir, with 13 seats.

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The state camp party, led by Benny Gantz, who has the pretensions of forming a broad unity government under his leadership after the elections, with his partners Gideon Sa’ar and Gadi Eisenkot – is having trouble rising. In the current poll, it is weakening in mandate this week and drops to 12.

In the ultra-Orthodox sector, Shas remains with 8 seats, while Torah Judaism, which is divided by the wars between Degel Torah and Agudat Israel, is actually getting stronger this week and increases in the joint format from 6 to 7 seats. Continue to maintain the current framework or you will split into several lists – and it remains static, with 6 mandates.

As mentioned, Meretz receives 5 mandates in the survey, as in the previous survey, and so does Yisrael Beitenu, led by Avigdor Lieberman, while the Labor Party, led by Michaeli, drops from 5 to 4 mandates and is getting dangerously close to the red line. The list of parties is closed by Ra’am, with 4 mandates.

Below the blocking percentage are seven lists. The Zionist spirit, led by Ayelet Shaked and Yoaz Handel, whose internal quarrels never stop for a moment, reaches only 1.9% in the current survey, just like in the previous survey. On the other hand, the Burning Youth party, led by Hadar Mokhtar, which has not even assembled a list yet, is growing stronger and rising this week from 0.6% to 1.1%.

Below it is Economic Freedom, led by Abir Kara – 0.8%; The Economic Party, led by Prof. Yaron Zelicha – 0.6%; The Jewish Home, headed by Yossi Brodani – 0.2%; And Israel is free and democratic, led by Eli Avidar and the Green Leaf list-banning Al-Islamiya – with 0.0% each.

As far as the blocs are concerned, no one currently has 61 for the purpose of forming a government. The Likud bloc increases its mandate to 59, while the joint list is in the middle with 6. In terms of suitability for the prime ministership, Netanyahu leads with 43%, followed by Yair Lapid with 33% and Benny Gantz with 17%.

704 members of the panel of Panel4All respondents participated in the survey to conduct research on the Internet. The survey was conducted on a representative sample of the adult population in the State of Israel aged 18 and over, both Jews and Arabs. It was conducted on September 7-8, 2022. Maximum sampling error: 3.7%.

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