Elections Albania, the socialists win. Prime Minister Rama remains in power

by time news

The Socialist Party (PS) of Prime Minister Edi Rama won the general elections in Albania, obtaining 49.8% of the votes: the data are from the Electoral Commission, when a quarter of the ballots were scrutinized and confirm the advantage already anticipated from the exit polls. Rama therefore seems to have still grabbed power, alone: ​​he would have an absolute majority of parliamentarians, with 75 seats out of the 140 total in Parliament, one more than in 2017 when he obtained 48.3% of the votes.

Behind the Democratic Party (Pd) of the former mayor of Tirana, the conservative Lulzim Basha, who leads the opposition coalition Alliance for Change, with 38.8% of the votes, which would give him 56 seats, 10 more ‘than in 2017. In third place, the Socialist Movement for Integration (LSI), led by the president’s wife, Ilir Meta, with 7.13 of the votes, half of those obtained in the previous elections. The PS has won in the main cities of the South and the center of the country, including the capital Tirana.

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