Elections are an immediate requirement to eliminate divisions.

by times news cr

2024-08-07 23:16:48

Amidst a foggy and political scene that engulfs the country, the Supreme Council of State elects a new president. What is the importance of these elections and what is expected from the next president?

Regarding this matter, Dr. Muhammad Darmish, an economic expert and researcher at the National Center for Scientific Research and Studies, told the “Ain Libya” network: “As for the elections in general, in light of the current situation, they are required and an immediate requirement in order to eliminate political divisions and institutional divisions in Libya, which in turn reduces the intensity of the current political conflicts.”

He added: “As for the elections of the Supreme Council of State, which is considered an arm of the legislative authority and a partner with Parliament according to the political agreement and after the rulings of the constitutional chambers combined on November 6, 2014, and according to the internal regulations of the Council of State, elections are held for the presidency of the Council every year.”

Dr. Muhammad Darmish continued: “This is a commendable and good thing that reinforces the principle of peaceful transfer of power, but it does not have a significant impact on the current Libyan political scene because the active forces on the ground have the first and last word, and relying on them to bring about changes in light of the current political situation is very weak.”

He added: “The winner of the presidential elections cannot do anything new because he is governed by the internal regulations that organize the work of the council. What he must do in light of the current situation is to work on bringing together the viewpoints of the blocs within the Supreme Council of State so that it becomes a single entity that serves the supreme interest of the Libyan state and stays away from political deals that serve the interests of individuals, parties and blocs and carry out the tasks of the council according to what is stipulated in the political agreement.”

Regarding the economic scene in the country, Dr. Muhammad Darmish said: “Under the current circumstances and the changing international scene, unfortunately, the institutional division greatly affects the management of the state’s resources, which negatively affects the public life of the people and weakens the ability of state institutions to monitor, follow up and exploit their resources to strengthen their strong economic position.”

Last updated: August 6, 2024 – 12:38

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2024-08-07 23:16:48

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