Elections Grosseto, the mayor Vivarelli Colonna aims at reconfirmation with the endorsement of Meloni. Pd and M5s allied in support of Culicchi

by time news

After the administrative on 3 and 4 October, anyone a Grosseto will enter as mayor in the Town Hall in Piazza Dante knows that he has a priority already written on his agenda: the rethinking and redevelopment of the municipal area overlooking on the sea, an issue on which this year’s electoral round is mainly played. Presented as the “favorite”, the outgoing mayor of the center-right Antonfrancesco Vivarelli Column, an independent who, however, received the endorsement of Giorgia Meloni, for the maritime area spends the card of “major events”, continuing to focus on sporting events of great appeal “for tourists, but also for citizens,” he says. The candidate, more from the right than from the center, as evidenced by the support of Brothers of Italy during the election campaign, he already administered Grosseto for five years representing the center-right coalition and various civic lists, beating in 2016 with the 56,38% the center-left challenger votes in the ballot Lorenzo Mascagni.

This time, however, the center-left unleashes the alliance against him – already signed in June – between 5 star movement e Pd. The candidate Leonardo Culicchi, which this week received a visit from the secretary of the Democratic Party Enrico Letta, he also has the list on his side Grosseto Open City ed Green Europe. Regarding the maritime area, the center-left focuses on the strengthening of infrastructure and on the sense of community: “Principina and Marina di Grosseto should be seen as two fractions which have their own engine. They can form community. Marina needs a square and an upgrade of the sports facilities. The area must be enriched”, Primarily for residents.

The doctor and candidate Valerio Pizzuti of Italia Viva, a reformist and PSI pole, instead presents among its priorities the “enhancement of agricultural enterprises nel Parco della Maremma ”, which until today has been considered, in his own words,“ the Disneyland of tourists “. To oppose the logic of ‘hit and run’ tourism, which would end up transforming Grosseto “into Rimini of the Tyrrhenian Sea with disastrous results ”, then there is the whole galaxy of civic lists. Marcello Campomori, candidate of Grosseto at the Center, has in fact just completed the collection of 1,400 signatures, on a municipality of over 82mil inhabitants, to revoke the procedure for granting a further Bathhouse, which would be the 32esimo in Marina, in order to keep the beach free, thus meeting “the complaints of residents tired of privatizations”.

Which it echoes Carlo Vivarelli from Italexit with Comparison which sees Marina di Grosseto and Principina as areas “under attack”: “The prime minister Mario Draghi he said he wants to put his hand to concessions soon. Our territory will be sold off at multinationals”, Vivarelli declared to the Tuscan newspaper The Tyrrhenian Sea. He also speaks of maritime tourism Dario Bibbiani, candidate of the Italian Communist Party, which says “no” to new bathing establishments, focusing on the “cleaning of public beaches and on their strengthening: there is not only tourism that comes from outside – he declares – but also daily tourism ”. Power to the People instead for the maritime area it focuses on seasonal work: “Marina is a work area, especially during the summer season. The tourist tax must be used for the improvement services. We offer exemption from the costs of public transport and the killing of rents housing for those who are in Marina to work ”, declares his candidate Matteo Di FiorAnd. While Emanuele Perugini, an expression of the Civic Center for Grosseto and Together for Grosseto, questions the investment methods of traveler fees which, touching on another theme on which the administrative offices play, should be used for the viability Of the territory.

In total, therefore, there are 8 candidates, all men, who will face the polls for the title of mayor on Sunday and Monday. For their part, the women of the coalition “Participate!Which supports the center-left candidate Culicchi, presented a manifesto-document for the restart, which touches on issues such as a non-violent institutional language, the extension of school hours to help parents reconcile life and family, the balance between the sexes in the council and the strengthening of the anti-violence association Olympia de Gouges. Some of the points on which the women of “Partecipa!” they promise to monitor “regardless of the election outcome” in the future.

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