Elections/Spain: More than 2.47 million voted by mail

by time news

2023-07-23 07:00:08

The number of Spaniards who voted by mail for the early general elections exceeded 2.47 million, according to official data known Saturday. It is an unprecedented value in Spain.

Spanish legislation allows all registered voters in the country to vote by mail. More than 2.6 million voters asked to do so. More than 2.4 million – 94.2 percent – ​​cast their ballots at a post office, according to the company.

For Sunday’s early general elections, 37,469,142 voters are asked to vote, who are entrusted with choosing 350 deputies and 208 senators.

In view of the number of requests, the public company Correios took care of a contingent of 21 thousand professionals. And post office hours have been expanded to 10 pm.

To vote this way, a Spanish voter must make a prior request, either online or at a post office. The documentation is handed over to you. Voting must be done at a company station by the voter himself, whose identity is confirmed by an employee.

During the electoral campaign, the leader of the Popular Party, a right-wing force that led most of the polls, called on the postmen to, “regardless of the bosses”, distribute the documentation to vote, working “in the morning, in the afternoon and at night”.

Alberto Núñez Feijóo even guaranteed that he would pay postmen for overtime if he became president of the government, right at the first Council of Ministers.

The words of Feijóo, who came to preside over the administration of the Post Office, earned him criticism from parties, unions and the direction of the Post Office. The PP leader was accused of adopting a “Trumpist” strategy. A reference to former US President Donald Trump, who claims to have been the victim of fraud in the election that dictated Joe Biden’s victory.

The former president of the regional government of Galicia would later say that he did not want to raise the suspicion of an attempt at fraud or manipulation of votes, but the risks of “congestion” in the distribution.

#ElectionsSpain #million #voted #mail

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