Electoral survey: Quiñónez continues leading vote intention for mayor of Guatemala

by time news

2023-04-23 02:40:00

The Mexican company specialized in public opinion studies Demoscopia Digital (https://www.demoscopiadigital.com/) published on April 18 the results of a survey on electoral preferences for the mayoralty of the municipality of Guatemala.

Republic. interviewed Mario Garza, Executive Director at Demoscopia Digital to validate the results of the study, because another measurement also circulated on social networks, improperly using the Digital Demoscopy image, with different results.

This survey was carried out on April 15 and 16 and is the third time that a survey has been carried out for the municipality of Guatemala. The former was published in Demoscopia Digitalbut not the first one, because it was for internal use.

Quiñónez maintains an advantage, followed by Coro and González and “Pirulo” already appears

When analyzing the results published by Demoscopia Digital, it is determined that the candidate for the Valor-Unionista coalition, Ricardo Quiñónez, continues to lead the intention to vote for the mayoralty of Guatemala City (32.7%)followed, in their order, by the UNE Party candidate, Antonio Coro (13.2%) and the candidate nominated by the CREO party Roberto Gonzalez “Cinnamon” (7.4 %).

In this second survey of the Mexican company, it stands out that Marlon Puente “Pirulo”the candidate nominated by the Cambio de la baldizon familyappears in fourth place (5.9%).

Republic. questioned the representative of the pollster about the methodology and the reliability of the results.

How can I identify that the work is acknowledged or true?

We publish within our website www.demoscopiadigital.com and on social networks, where all the surveys we carry out are: presidential, governorship and municipal elections.

What was the sample and methodology?

The sample consisted of a thousand surveys in all regions of the municipality, of legal age and with the capacity to vote. We were surprised by the result, people participated and people responded very quickly. It is easy and simple to do the study. The previous time there was interest, but not like now. The link we send is via WhatsApp and you can answer it in less than a minute and at the time the person decides, very practical.

How credible are these surveys compared to telephone or face-to-face?

I guarantee that this is like a face-to-face. In a phone call you can’t stand a one-minute survey and you can answer it at any time you want. There is a big difference and the results support us. We have been very assertive in many elections with a margin of difference of tenths. We currently do 300 surveys a month in different places on the continent: municipal, electoral.

Fake publication circulates with an image of the pollster Demoscopia Digital

Days before Demoscopia Digital published the results of its survey, a presentation that used elements of the pollster circulated through social networks. This post turned out to be false, which Garza confirmed. In this “false poll” the candidate Roberto González “Canela” appears in second place.

Garza spoke about it. “They have also written to us about the others that are circulating that we call them non-study publications because they are unrecognized works.” With the foregoing, you reject that this publication is your authorship.

Republic. verified that the published data corresponds to a Digital Demoscopy study, but is not responsible for the results of the study.

#Electoral #survey #Quiñónez #continues #leading #vote #intention #mayor #Guatemala

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