Electricity: 10% increase despite the tariff shield

by time news

2023-07-18 19:27:09

Electricity tariffs are linked to its price on the markets, which remains around 160 euros per KWh. In 2019 or 2020, it evolved between 30 euros and 40 euros per KWh. Marc Ollivier/PHOTOPQR/WEST FRANCE/MAXPPP

DECRYPTION – The government is limiting the inflation of the regulated tariff, which should have been 74.5% from August 1.

10% increase in regulated electricity tariffs (the regulated electricity sales tariff or TRVE) on August 1st. This is what the government will propose, which has just asked the Higher Energy Council (CSE) for consultation on the subject. For the 23 million customers who are subject to this tariff – households but also traders, craftsmen and very small businesses, i.e. customers with a meter with a maximum power of 36 kVA – the pill will inevitably be difficult to swallow. Especially since a first large-scale increase, + 15%, was already recorded on February 1st. The previous one, of 4%, dated from February 2022. Over the period, the increase in regulated electricity tariffs therefore reached 31.6%. The note is salty.

However, it could have been much larger. Twice a year, in January and July, the Energy Regulation Commission (CRE) calculates the theoretical change in regulated tariffs. It is largely related to…

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